Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 14: Fights Erupt. How Will You Handle Them?


On December 14, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 14: Fights Erupt. How Will You Handle Them?

Today may be a little tense across all signs, as a Scorpio moon causes all of us to push ourselves to our limits—and sometimes snap. A semi-square between Mars and Mercury can cause tensions to flare—think minor dust-ups and not full on conflicts. Still, annoying. Check yourself before you speak—you may need to bite your tongue to preserve overall good will and harmony. Here, what else to expect in your daily horoscope for Thursday, December 14. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Today can be an intense day, Rams. Prepare for arguments, and it won’t be surprising if something comes back on your desk at work with an ask for a re-do. Avoid defensiveness and focus forward. You can get things done, and complaining won’t do anything.

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Venus aligned with Mercury puts you in an excellent place to get things done, whether on a personal or professional level. You’re charming and irresistible, and you have to get over your fear and ask for what you want. People can’t read your mind!

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
You’re impatient with other people, and interpersonal conflicts drive you nuts today. Worse, you’re contributing to the problem, going back to the same Instagram page or gossiping about the person who’s driven you nuts. You have agency here. For peace of mind, walk away!

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Work-life balance, what? You’re finding it hard to keep everything running, and may be feeling a lot of pressure. Remember, you can do everything, but not all at once. Most of the stress are things you’re putting on yourself—it may be wise to take some things off your plate for your own peace of mind. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
Relationships are on your mind, Lions, and you may find yourself wanting to reach out to someone you dated in the past. If your intentions are good, go for it—it may be the best way to move forward and pursue other opportunities. But if you only want to reach out to further hash out what went wrong, time to let it go. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
You are ready to snap, Virgo! You’ve had a lot on your plate, and today it all comes to a head. Self-care is the name of the game today. Booking a yoga class, mani/pedi, or even a coffee with a friend can give you the relaxation and perspective you need to move forward. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
You’re hard on yourself, Libra, and today, you’ve put all the pressure on—but for what? Some great things are coming your way, but you’ve got to let go of all the guilt you feel when you agree to projects. You’re awesome! You’ve got this! If you don’t believe it, find someone to back you up and talk you up!

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
The Moon and Jupiter encourage you to pursue optimism, but you begin your day feeling angry, slighted, and ready to pick a fight. Look on the bright side—you have so much going on, and focusing on the missteps, mistakes, or miscommunication of the past will only block your own goals. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
A Mercury-Venus alignment cranks up your confidence, and you feel you can do anything. Today is all about looking ahead, and you may feel bored with the present. Still, you’ve got to get through your day to day, and the more interested and excited you can be about what you’re doing right now, the better. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You’re pressured to finalize a decision and get things ready for the holidays and New Year, but remember that everything isn’t on your timeline. You need to cooperate and communicate, and stop the passive-aggressive actions. If you want things done, you have to be direct. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
As Mercury and Venus align, you’re seeing a path forward to a problem you’ve been dealing with for weeks. Still, the intense Scorpio energy of the moon today means everyone else may annoy you. Try to rise above the small things and focus on big picture. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Passion reigns today, which can be especially exciting if you’re single. You’re in love with falling in love, and today it finally seems to be happening as you may find yourself entranced with someone you only recently met. But patience. Things are not necessarily what they appear. 

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Want more info to tap into the power of your Zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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