Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 25: Time to Bust Through the Post-Holiday Blues


On November 25, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Future

Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 25: Time to Bust Through the Post-Holiday Blues

Whether it was holiday drama, a holiday hangover, or just too many days of too much to do, these last few days were tough, right? But that ends today. A Uranus and Mercury trine makes all signs feel extra efficient, excited, and ready to follow through on whatever they want to do. It’s a great time to get things done, whether it’s prepping for the next holiday or moving ahead in your career, and all signs are likely to feel more comfortable in their own skin than they have in the past. In other words, you do you! Here’s how.

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries Daily Horoscope
Mercury’s in your adventure sector, and you’re feeling major wanderlust. So go for it! Instead of doing your same-old Saturday thing, try something new. Hang out with new people, drive to a new store or coffee shop, and just realize the possibilities that are imbued with any so-called ordinary day. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Bulls to the baggage claim! Seriously, it’s time to recognize what you’re holding onto so you can let it go. You’ve got some stuff holding you back, and it’s time to unfollow, unfriend, or forgive and move on. But you’ve got to do something!

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
The Mercury-Uranus energy is especially affecting your sign today. Soak it up, live it, love it. You’ve got a lot of thoughts buzzing in your head, Gemini, but a key piece of advice: Write them down. If not, then your brain just keeps mulling over the same things, and you’ll never get anything accomplished. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
You are so on top of everything, Cancer, and with Mercury at the top of your solar chart, you can’t go wrong. Health is likely to be a priority today, but a tip: An amazing bod doesn’t need to cost a ton of cash. If you’re tempted to pay a ton of money for a program, rethink.

Leo Daily Horoscope
Saturday night and the feeling is right, Lions! Romance is in the air, so go all in. Single? You’re not gonna find love sitting on the couch, so get out there. You don’t need to get all dolled up and hit up the bar, but just going out to a cafe and having a mini flirt session with the barista will cause your confidence to skyrocket. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’re feeling good, Virgo. Everything is as it should be, so just soak it up. Stop feeling guilty about what you “should” do (unless, of course, you actually have to do it or your boss will get mad) and just enjoy the moment. Family and friends are everything today. Make sure you show your appreciation.

Libra Daily Horoscope
Libra, you can do anything you want to do except something big is in the way: You. That self doubt is pulling you down, so it’s time to let it go now. Remember just how awesome you are and think one step at a time. Big picture is what drags you down, for now, just focus on the small actions it takes to achieve big results.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your home and family sector, it’s time to let your nearest and dearest in. You can be incredibly protective about your feelings and internal mood, which can be good, but it may be making you feel more closed off and isolated than you need to be. It’s not all or nothing. A small reveal makes a big difference today. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Speak up, Sags! Mercury and Uranus want you to let people know your true thoughts, but you may be feeling extra diplomatic. Time to check in with yourself: What does your mind, heart, and soul want? If they’re out of sync with what you’re presenting to the world, then you know what you have to do. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You’ve been extra cagey this holiday, with three major planets (the sun, Mercury, and Saturn) in your privacy sector. A lot is going on in your mind, and you may feel disengaged from the real world. A one on one convo with someone you love brings you back to reality. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
The moon gives you a bit of magic power. Aquarius, you’re irresistible to others, and feeling kinda psychic! Sound right? Use this to your advantage. It’s a great day to set up a new date, whether it’s romantic or a friend one, or step out of your comfort zone. Work that moon magic! 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day to sort out reality from fantasy, and focus on what is and is not doable for the month ahead. You can be swept up in daydreams, but really homing in on strategy is key for success. For example, the chances of getting married in a month if you’re currently single? Possible, but not probable. The chances of going on an amazing date. 100% possible. Make it happen, Pisces. 

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Art by Maria the Witch. Find her here on Instagram!

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Want more info to tap into the power of your Zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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