What to Take with You Into the New Year and What to Leave Behind

By Maressa Brown

On December 24, 2018

In Astrology

What to Take with You Into the New Year and What to Leave Behind

The final days of any given year can feel equal parts quiet and reflective, hectic and social. The transitional moment is often filled with reflecting on the previous twelve months and tying up loose ends in order to kick off the new calendar year with a clean slate. At the same time, there are high-energy New Year’s Eve festivities followed by pragmatic New Year’s day resolutions. The contrast can be jarring, to say the least.

That said, as 2019 approaches, you may very well be meditating on which relationships, personal challenges, and passion projects you’ll want to attempt to tie up with a neat 2018-labeled bow and which should absolutely be a part of your life as you move forward into the new year. Thankfully, the planetary movements of the end of the year can offer guidance.

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For instance, Mars, which is the planet of energy, action,  and sexual desires, has been at a bit of a disadvantage while transiting through dreamy, mutable water sign Pisces since November 15. But come New Year’s Eve, the warrior planet will move into its home sign Aries, inspiring aggressive, impulsive, fiery forward movement.

Even if you’re not quite ready to shift gears in a certain area of life, the astrological aspects on the horizon could force your hand. The first few weeks of 2019 are set to stir up inevitable change, thanks to two eclipses: a solar eclipse in hardworking earth sign Capricorn on January 5 and a lunar eclipse—the final in a series that began in February 2017—in proud fire sign Leo on January 21.  

Read This Now: What’s Coming for Your Love and Sex Life in 2019

Here, what each sign should leave in 2018 and look forward to taking with them in 2019. (Be sure to read your rising sign, too!)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Since November 15, chances are you’ve been doing some soul-searching, thanks to Mars’ transit through your twelfth house of spirituality. But with your ruling planet Mars’ exciting move into your sign on December 31, it’s time to turn all that meditation into action. Figuring out how you can put that spiritual growth to use in your everyday life could translate to awe-inspiring growth and success. Similarly, Venus is in your eighth house of intimacy from December 2 to January 7, requiring reflection on your deepest bonds. Come the new year—January 7 to February 3—its transit through your ninth house of adventure means moving past these weighty emotional moments and applying what you’ve learned toward broadening  your horizons with your partner or a future mate.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Chances are, Mars’ transit through your eleventh house of networking and friendship has made for magical moments with those in your inner circle since November 15. But come New Year’s Eve, its shift into your twelfth house of spirituality may mean RSVPing “no” more often in order to prioritize self-reflection and meditation.  This solo time helps you better understand your internal drive, so you can put it to use once the go-getter planet enters your sign on Valentine’s Day. From December 12 to January 4, Mercury in your eighth house of intimacy may fuel challenging conversations with a lover. Thankfully, these grueling talks won’t continue long into 2019. Once the communication planet moves through your ninth house of adventure from January 4 to 24, discussions become more buoyant—and you may even plan long-distance travel!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The sun’s trip through your eighth house of intimacy from December 21 to January 20 has you focusing on your deepest desires, and this is a theme that’s sure to bleed into the new year, thanks to the solar eclipse there around January 5. If you feel pressure to make a concrete decision about a romantic and/or sexual relationship, now’s the time to do that, so you can move forward in a healthy, happy, and productive way. Also, from November 15 to New Year’s Eve Day, you’ve likely been exerting most of your energy at work, thanks to Mars in your tenth house of career. But as it moves through your eleventh house of networking and friendship until Valentine’s Day, more enjoyable social commitments will fill your calendar, and you may find relief in working more closely with colleagues.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’ve been focusing on honing your skill set and learning everything you can to advance your career while Mars has moved through your ninth house of higher education since November 15. But once it enters your tenth house of career on New Year’s Eve Day, where it remains until Valentine’s Day, you’re going to be ready to apply what you’ve learned and take major initiative on the job. Higher-ups are sure to applaud your take-charge vibe. If you’ve been reflecting on your needs in an existing or future relationship, thanks to the sun’s trip through your seventh house of partnership, you’ll gain even more clarity in that area of life around January 5, thanks to the solar eclipse there. Pursuing the ultimate bond will absolutely be a theme for you in the year ahead.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Mars has been in your eighth house of intimacy since November 15, fueling your sex life with vivid dreams and intense desires but potentially not much in the way of concrete movement. Thankfully, you can leave stagnation in 2018, because from New Year’s Eve Day to Valentine’s Day, the action planet’s trip through your ninth house of adventure inspires you to open the curtains and get out into the world—with or without your lover. This transit could see you taking on challenging projects or hopping a long-distance flight. The key word is “go.” Similarly,  Venus has you feeling like hibernating while it hunkers down in your fourth house of home life from December 2 to January 7. But then, it’ll light up your fifth house of romance until February 3, infusing your love life with playfulness, spontaneity, and opportunities for growth.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Since November 15, Mars has been in your seventh house of partnership, spurring you to pour a lot of energy into working on your relationship with your mate or, if you’re single, trying to get out there and swipe and date and meet someone amazing. But come 2019, all that work will translate to fun—and fireworks in the bedroom, or wherever the mood strikes! The action planet’s trip through your eighth house of intimacy from New Year’s Eve to Valentine’s Day is sure to step up the passion with a lover. Heads-up: This might include the occasional fight, too. You could be focused on emotional, heavy-duty conversations with loved ones while Mercury travels through your fourth house of family from December 12 to January 4. But then, until the 24th, its transit through your fifth house of romance from fuels flirtatious, lighthearted communication with the object of your affection. Sharing what’s in your heart sets the stage for rom-com-level magic.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your ruling planet Venus has spent a significant amount of time in your second house of income in 2018, which has likely inspired you to step up your creativity game in order to boost cash flow. It may have also spurred fantasies about all the luxuries you’d love to have the dough for, from a home renovation to a luxurious getaway. But this dreamy vibe is something you can leave in 2018, as the beauty-loving planet shifts into your third house of communication come January 7. Then, until February 3, you’ll be much more likely to pitch your big, brilliant ideas—and start taking action to bring that money home. And since November 15, Mars in your sixth house of routine has had you feeling a little like a hamster on a wheel with your daily to-dos. Once it moves into your seventh house of partnership on New Year’s Eve, where it remains until Valentine’s Day, you’ll be empowered to ask for more from your S.O. or another loved one. There’s strength in admitting you deserve help!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Venus has been in your sign off and on quite a bit in 2018, bolstering your self-image and appetite for pleasure. Enjoy this chapter through January 7, and then, you’ll do well to steer your focus to ways you’d like to grow your assets and boost your financial security. That’s because the planet of love and money will transit through your second house of income until February 3. The end of the year also has you enjoying spontaneous rendezvous, playful fun, and whimsical fantasies with a lover, thanks to Mars’ trip through your fifth house of romance. But come the new year, and the action planet’s move through your sixth house of health until Valentine’s Day, you’ll be energized to party less and work more,  stepping up your daily grind in a way that also benefits your overall wellness. New hustle, new workout plan, new you.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

For much of 2018, you’ve likely had to swim through fairly deep, dark emotional and mental terrain, given Venus’ copious number of days in your twelfth house of spirituality. Take heart: You’ll move past that moment come the new year, when the planet of love and beauty occupies your sign from January 7 to February 3. Then, it’s a whole new ballgame, as you’ll be feeling and looking stunning and attracting an abundance of romance and pleasure. And since November 15, Mars has been in your fourth house of family life, making it tough for you to feel settled and calm at home. But from New Year’s Eve to Valentine’s Day, it moves into your fifth house of romance, firing up flirtations with potential lovers and setting the stage for more spontaneous date nights, meet-cutes, and fun-loving moments filled with childlike wonder.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

 Building your relationships with colleagues and within your circle of friends has been your focus for much of 2018, thanks to Venus’ movement through your eleventh house of networking. But by January 7, you can rest assured you’ve done the work necessary to strengthen these bonds and now it’s time to zero in on your relationship with yourself. The planet of love will move through your twelfth house of spirituality until February 3, inspiring you to hibernate—with or without a significant other—and invest time and energy in self-love. Around the same time—January 4—communicator Mercury leaves your twelfth house, where it has been inspiring self-reflection and meditative time and moves into your sign, spurring you to speak up.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

You’ve been zeroed in on your career while money-conscious Venus has been in your tenth house of career through quite a bit of 2018. But come January 7, you can stop feeling like a total workhorse, because the planet of love moves into your eleventh house of networking and friendships, turning your focus to building your platonic and professional relationships. You’re sure to feel even more charming and magnetic in group settings and, if you’re single, might even meet a potential partner at a party or networking event. The sun’s move through your twelfth house of spirituality lasts from December 21 until January 20, so spending time on self-reflection at that time is imperative. And around January 5, the solar eclipse there stirs you to do intense soul-searching that may be a game-changer for your emotional well-being.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

With Mars in your sign from November 15 to New Year’s Eve, it’s possible you’ve been more assertive  and energized than usual, fired up to tackle personal, wellness, and big picture goals in an unusually aggressive way. At the same time, this transit could see you battling intermittent feelings of anger. Once the go-getter planet occupies your second house of income from December 31 to February 14, you can put this somewhat frenetic energy toward a narrower focus: your cash flow. Whether you’re taking on a new side hustle or shaking up your portfolio, you’ll be fired up and ready to bring in dough. You may also be devoting the last days of 2018 to reflection on platonic relationships, thanks to the sun’s move through your eleventh house of networking and friendship. When the solar eclipse occurs there on January 5, you may have an epiphany about the connections you want foster and others that have run their course.

Read This Next: 2019 Is Gonna Be a Big Year — Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Maressa Brown is a writer, editor, astrologer, and author of Centennial Presents’ 2018 Astrology Guide. Her work has appeared on/in various publications such as Cosmopolitan.com, The Washington Post, Parents.com, and Women’s Health. Find more of her celestial insights and lifestyle features on Facebook @MaressaSBrown and on Twitter @MaressaSylvie. — Horoscope.com editors

Photo: @boneman via Twenty20

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