Weekly Horoscope: September 5–11, 2022

By Mary Bergner

On September 4, 2022

In Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: September 5–11, 2022

If you’ve been feeling kinda weak lately, this week’s planetary moves can help you restore your power and feel like a badass again! To start things off, some super intense vibes radiate from Monday’s T-square between the moon (our emotional mama), Jupiter (the planet of luck), and Mercury (the messenger of the universe), inspiring major changes that can help you get things back on the right track and headed in a more positive direction.

Your confidence is restored by Tuesday’s powerful conjunction between the magical moon and Pluto (the planet representing transformation) in self-assured Capricorn. Once you shake off those insecurities that have been holding you back, the sky’s the limit.

Wednesday’s moon, Mars (the cosmic boss), and Mercury Grand Trine infuses a new situation with some very contagious enthusiasm. So if you need help to make your dreams come true, it’s there for the taking. Cooperation on a large scale makes you feel like you could really make some incredible changes in the world!

The one negative spot in the week comes when Mercury in Libra retrograde crashes the party on Friday and immediately tries to start some sh*t, but you don’t have to let it. Try to remember that the mishaps – like misunderstandings, delays, broken stuff, etc. – that you start to experience now aren’t personal. Once you remember who you are and those superpowers kick in, you can zap those pesky obstacles out of your way like they’re nothing.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


As your power returns this week, Aries, so does your ability to make things happen. Now that you aren’t stuck on the sidelines, you can’t wait to get back into the game and make your move. As usual, winning is everything for you, and you’re not above playing dirty if it gets you the W. Unfortunately, selfishness can hinder your progress when Mercury goes retrograde in your partnership zone late in the week, which can do real damage to a close personal relationship.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You love a steady pace but you’re also OK with receiving a quick infusion of energy and enthusiasm this week, Taurus. This is a great time to check in on projects, both personal and professional, that you’ve had to set aside for one reason or another. Because right now, you can get the ball rolling again and maybe even finish a couple of them up. Mercury retrograde hits you in your productivity zone, so tending to details will become ultra-important.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Your fast-thinking home planet Mercury is involved in a couple of the week’s major cosmic moves, which means you benefit from them even more than the average Joe. Put on your thinking cap, Gemini, and brainstorm some ideas that will knock the socks off anyone who’s lucky enough to hear them. Oh, and Mercury retrograde? It’s not really a problem, as this retro cycle highlights your house of fun and entertainment. So you’ll be able to easily figure out how to ease headaches and overcome mishaps – both big and small – with laughter, creativity, and playfulness. 

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Even in the best circumstances, you manage to do more than your share of overthinking, Cancer, so while most of the recent cosmic traffic jam has cleared, you’re probably still worried about potential problems up ahead. What gives?! What would happen if you actually let yourself stop worrying about making everyone else’s life simpler and took some time for yourself for a minute? Or even a day? So that’s your challenge this week: Relax and let the universe take care of your problems for a change. In the end, everything works itself out, whether you obsess about it or not.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Your power is restored this week, putting you back at the top of the jungle order, which is exactly where a confident, proud Lion like you should be. Suddenly it’s OK to be a little bit (or, who are we kidding – a lot!) selfish when it comes to chasing those dreams and reaching your goals. And you’ve got your whole den (family, friends, etc.) behind you, cheering you on to victory. There are few better feelings than knowing you’re about to reach your full potential.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You firmly believe that everything has its place. With your detail-focused leader Mercury involved in some positive planetary meetings this week, you are able to make sure that your life is organized exactly the way you want it. Of course, there’s a Mercury retrograde cycle to deal with later in the week, and because it falls in your house of money and possessions, Virgo, extra attention should be directed at those things. Luckily, budgeting, crunching numbers, and rearranging funds/investments all fall in your “things I am very good at” wheelhouse.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


That imbalance you’ve been experiencing gets straightened out this week, and you breathe a sigh of relief when things start to get back to normal. Whatever that is. The best thing is that you can count on your friends to surround you and offer up their mental and emotional support again, which is something you’ve been missing. Don’t let Mercury retrograde in your first house at week’s end throw you off. This is your chance to strengthen relationships that are boosting you up and let go of those holding you back.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Are you ready to get your mysterious allure back? As certain planets realign this week, your mojo returns stronger than ever – and it has the power to really take you places! That doubt you’ve been experiencing is replaced by confidence and determination you haven’t felt in a very long time. You even keep your cool while navigating the first few days of a new Mercury retrograde cycle in your intuitive twelfth house when you tap into your subconscious and analyze your dreams for problem-solving clues, Scorpio.   

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You’re not a big planner but you’ll be pretty psyched by your progress on some goals this week. You do love it when things come together, and it looks like you can learn some pretty valuable lessons from the adventures and experiences you take on in the days ahead. And you know that pesky Mercury retrograde cycle at week’s end? It’s in your eleventh house of social reform, enabling you to find your true calling in life. You might have to try on several hats to find the perfect fit, but that’s OK. There’s no rush, Sag.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You can’t stand when your well-laid plans go off the rails, so if you’ve been dealing with projects being sabotaged and proposals going sideways, you’ll really enjoy how this week’s positive energy helps you turn things around in a new and exciting direction. And don’t worry too much about potential blockages from the Mercury retrograde cycle that starts later this week. However, it will affect your tenth house of career and professional resources. Still, obstacles that pop up now will only help you find better solutions than you would have had you stayed the original course.   

 Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


An eclectic mix of planetary shifts helps you maintain your uniqueness while still being productive this week, which, for you, truly is the best of both worlds! Some things have come up lately that have shaken your confidence and/or commitment to your offbeat lifestyle, Aquarius, but you’re back now, baby — and better than ever! Another Mercury retro cycle, this one in your truth and philosophy zone, could try to mess with your beliefs, but you turn the tables by being open to all new experiences and opinions. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


If your shyness and insecurities have been keeping you from truly enjoying life lately, Pisces, you may get a chance to blossom and thrive like you deserve this week. Major changes are happening around you, but how you react to them can mean the difference between running scared and embracing life’s spontaneous beauty. Don’t try to map everything out, especially once Mercury retrograde arrives in your house of money and revitalization. Receiving a surprise check in the mail is a happy surprise. However, if there are too many strings attached to it, it might not be worth cashing.   

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of Pexels.

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