Weekly Horoscope: May 27 to June 2, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: May 27 to June 2, 2024

There isn’t a lot of cosmic negativity shadowing you this week, so stop looking over your shoulder expecting something bad to happen! When opportunities come your way, just embrace them. Sometimes, things just are what they are, with no red tape to get through or strings attached. 

If you’re lucky to have Monday off as a holiday, use it to form some strategies for the week. The energy coming from the harmonious sextile between Mercury (repping your thought process) and Saturn (the planetary professor) has you making excellent decisions in all areas of your life, so why second guess yourself? By approaching issues from a clear and rational perspective, when possible, you can’t go wrong. 

On Thursday, a conjunction between Mercury and Uranus (the quirky, rebellious planet) in indulgent Taurus helps you end the month in style as you reward yourself for your stellar behavior lately. If you’ve worked hard, you’re entitled to splurge, so don’t let anyone tell you you don’t deserve to treat yourself! #SuperStar 

On Sunday, Jupiter (the universal channeler of expansion and optimism) trines Pluto (the transformative planet) and creates a strong sense of abundance and opportunity. June gets off to a great start as you attract good luck and take advantage of your ability to manifest your desires. This brings new life to the phrase lucky you!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


With a lot of energy in your financial zone, don’t rush any decisions related to money. If you want to buy yourself a little something like we talked about above, keep it under a certain dollar amount that you’re comfortable with. Going totally overboard now leads to big-time regret later, Aries.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You’re a deep thinker this week, Taurus—perhaps a little too much of one? It’s great to go over the pros and cons of an important situation but not to the point that it’s stopping you from making a final decision. There are a lot of details to consider now, but you’ve got this. Believe in yourself and your ability to see the bigger picture.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Your mind races with some pretty impressive thoughts when you shut out the distractions and spend time alone this week, Gemini, but don’t be too quick to share what’s on your mind. It’s better to listen than talk now, especially when lucrative opportunities are involved. Be sure who you can trust with your million-dollar ideas before you reveal them!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


There’s a lot of energy pointed at your house of electronics and other tech stuff this week, Cancer, so it’s time to dive head-first into the innovative deep end! If you’ve been dragging your heels when it comes to the latest technological tips, tricks, and trends—why? There’s a ton of literal life-altering info/gadgets out there! 

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You love to laugh, party, and have a good time, but where is your life really headed, Leo? Whoa, buzz kill, right?! But honestly, getting more serious is something that you should be thinking about this week. If you’ve been contemplating going back to school, changing jobs, or just being more responsible, the universe is ready to help you out. 

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You’re usually the quiet one, but this week, you have so many stories to share and so many details to reveal that people won’t even recognize you! While your chatty leader, Mercury, is paired with your adventure zone, you can’t wait to blab anyone who will listen about the time when (you fill in the blank). Don’t leave out any details, Virgo. Your elaborate tales are mesmerizing. 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


You’re an excellent investigator this week, Libra, so if you need to get to the bottom of something, you shouldn’t have a problem finding out whatever you want to know. Use your considerable resources and networking skills to talk to professionals, read books, listen to podcasts, etc. Pretty soon, you’ll be the expert, and people will be coming to you for answers!

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


As a bit of an introvert, Scorpio, you’re most comfortable talking with people you know and care about, and this week is no exception. You understand the value of reaching out, talking to strangers, and networking, but as your relationship zone is highlighted, you really value having a trusted confidante. Your deepest secrets can only be revealed to someone you know for sure won’t share them with anyone else.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


This is a busy mental week for you, Sagittarius, but you can handle it. You actually thrive when you have a lot going on, so this is nothing new. Just be sure to jot down important dates and times of meetings and appointments so they don’t get lost in the shuffle. Yes, you want to keep track of your work/school assignments, etc., but if you’re being honest, personal events are a top priority. 

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Don’t you get tired of always following the rules, Capricorn? With the creative energy surrounding you this week, it’s time to use your imagination and mix things up a little. By loosening up and showing your coworkers or employees your causal side, you actually earn more of their respect. Shock them all by going out for drinks, telling a joke or two, and maybe even singing a song or two at karaoke. 

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


This doesn’t happen very often to you, Aquarius, but this week, it’s likely that your usual logical perspective can get clouded by emotions. Like, what is happening right now? You can usually keep it together pretty well, but when you’re dealing with an emergency or overwhelming occasion like an engagement or a new baby involving a friend or family member, you lose it. Go ahead and let the tears flow. No one will think less of you.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


If you’ve been jumping to a lot of conclusions lately, it’s time to give your mind time to rest for a little while, Pisces. It’s definitely not fun dealing with people who give you just enough information so that you have to fill in your own blanks about the situation, so why not take a break? It’s not your job to figure out someone else’s dysfunction.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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