Weekly Horoscope: May 16–22, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On May 16, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: May 16–22, 2022

Though the full moon in Scorpio reached its peak in the wee hours of Monday (or the very last ones of Sunday), its effects will be felt throughout the day and even the week as the collective digs deep into the heavy lessons of the lunation. What have we been unnecessarily holding onto? We’re sure to spend the next few weeks shedding our skins and other dead weight.

At the same time, this week will act as a harbinger of fresh energy, as Friday has us bidding adieu to sweet Taurus season for that of Gemini. Jokesters stand up because it’s you guys’ time to shine! While Taurus season saw us toiling, the sign of the Twins gives us full permission to let loose a little more!

However, the Taurean energy isn’t as gone, as Mercury‘s (planet of communication) retrograde motion pushes the planet back into the sign of the Bull on Sunday. So, beware of inflexibility both on your own part and that of others — and of course, the expected communication mishaps that such a retrograde tends to bring forth.

Courtesy of Leah Kelley on Pexels.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


While the sign of the Twins is sure to talk up a storm over the next few weeks, you’re sure to be a close second for chattiest sign, as the sun plops into your communication zone this Friday. While intellectual and even creative juices begin to flow, keep the retrograde energy in mind. You’re hardly the sign best known for forethought, so it’d behoove you to think (and think again) before you speak.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


All things must pass, Taurus — even the splendor that is your season. But don’t fret, as Mercury’s retrograde gives it another round in your sign — for better or worse. While Mercury in your sign is usually useful for you, the backward motion makes things a bit wonky. So, you in particular may want to be warier of miscommunications and failed first impressions during this time, as the planet will be in your appearance and impressions zone.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Hello, Gemini Season! All eyes are on you, Gemini, especially as your special season slides in this Friday. You’ll be firing on all cylinders for the next few weeks. But before you let yourself lift off, keep in mind that your ruling planet, Mercury, will also maintain its retrograde motion for the next few weeks, so don’t expect smooth sailing. Live a little more, but stay on your toes.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


There’s no better time for meditation than the astrological season just before your own. Cancer, with Gemini season coming to a sky near you on Friday, the tone for Crabs my take a contemplative turn. You see, the sun will be making its annual dip into your murky zone of the subconscious. In the spirit of the recent full moon in Scorpio, what’s been brewing in that mind of yours? And what’s best released? Letting go is hard, but you’ll be better and happier for it come your season.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Sun’s out, Leo! And you’re no doubt long-overdue for a bit of almost-summertime fun with friends! The Gemini energy that’s just dawned has landed in your networking and friend zone. While the Taurean energy had you on your grind, Gemini asks that you not forget your friends. Call them up, and go for a night on the town. You won’t regret it!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


What will your legacy be, Virgo? The sun and Mercury retrograde are illuminating your career zone, inspiring you to review how you’ve been engaging with your ambitions. With the full moon having just passed, potent energy is afoot. Use it to bop to the top of your industry! As the sun leaves Taurus for Gemini, you’re being given the opportunity to have a little fun, too, as the sign of the Twins is always down for a good time!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Adventure is calling, Libra. Will you pick up? On Friday, the sun shifts into the sign of the Twins, marking the first day of Gemini season. With the sun in your travel and philosophy zone, you’re likely itching to get out and explore more than you’re used to. Even if a big trip isn’t possible this month, remember that a good book can take just as far as any plane — if not farther.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Finally, the sun leaves your romance sector to tango with some deeper sentiments in your intimate one. But you of all people aren’t afraid of the darker side of life, Scorpio. However, the continued Mercury retrograde should give you pause, as it may make it a bit more challenging to properly get in touch with your shadow side if you don’t put in the extra emotional work.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


The Gemini sun makes landfall Friday into your romance zone, so prepare yourself for a little (pre) summer loving, Sagittarius! But don’t expect anything more than a simple summer love, as Gemini isn’t a sign known for its longevity. However, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Would you, Sag?

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


What does your average day look like, Capricorn? What’s your set routine? The sun’s position in Gemini and your day-to-day sector is shining a light on your habits and health. You’re one of the more orderly signs, but Gemini’s somewhat chaotic energy demands that you switch things up. Take the next four weeks or so to play with your schedule a bit and maybe introduce some new habits.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


It’s time for more play and less work — within reason, of course. Aquarius, the sun has recently slid into Gemini and now your pleasure zone, so you’re being called to live a little. Have you been neglecting your joy and hobbies? Gemini season will see you returning to them and possibly taking up new activities. So, prepare yourself for an exciting 30 days or so!

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Pisces, if you were feeling guilty about kicking it at home, there’s no need to be. This Friday sees the sun slide into Gemini and your home zone, encouraging you to take a break and focus on the homestead instead. However, you need not be alone, as Gemini is a fairly social sign. Invite your friends over for a few nights in. With a little popcorn and a projector, it can feel like a proper evening at the movies!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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