Weekly Horoscope: March 20–26, 2023

By Mary Bergner

On March 19, 2023

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: March 20–26, 2023

Happy astrological new year! Monday is the spring equinox, which kicks off an exciting new season! And what better sign to help us welcome in this new energy but bold, enthusiastic Aries, right? Because as the dazzling sun (universal symbol of vitality) starts its four-week partnership with this brave fire sign, it gives us the courage to tackle our fears, conquer our demons and move enthusiastically into the future to grab the success we deserve.

A new moon (our mood guide) also in badass Aries, arrives on Tuesday, enforcing that it’s time to take what’s yours. Sorry, but no one ever got anywhere just sitting and waiting around for something to happen. If you want something badly enough, you’ll figure out a way to take it during this gutsy lunation.

Thursday we get hit with a preview of one of the most important transits of the decade when transformative Pluto (the planet of identity) leaves calculated Capricorn for free-thinker Aquarius. Big things are beginning to happen in the next couple of months, so pay attention! You’ll definitely want to get in on the ground floor of what could be some of the most amazing ideas/inventions of our time!

Your warrior power dims slightly when powerful Mars (the cosmic energy replenisher), ruler of Aries, moves into shy water sign Cancer on Saturday. However, it also gives you time to shift your priorities to more emotional causes, like friends and family. Protecting those closest to you will be a priority over the weekend, and while your aggression will be toned down a tad, you’ll still defend what you care about in whatever way is necessary. Sometimes it’s the reserved, quiet types that people need to watch out for the most.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


This is your week to shine, Aries. Or should we say to burn brightly? There aren’t very many obstacles you can’t overcome with this week’s powerful energy injecting you with confidence and courage. You’re great on your own but even better as part of a group. You’re a born leader, and your competitors won’t know what hit them when you burst onto the front lines, ready for war. Losing isn’t an option.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Your preferred slow and steady approach to life gets tossed out the window with this week’s frenetic energy, but it’s all good, Taurus. Once you pick up the pace you will find that moving quickly definitely has its benefits. However, paying less attention to details can have its share of consequences, so your goal will be to find that important middle ground. You don’t have to be first, but you also shouldn’t settle for being last.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


You’re about to enter the realm of the partnership between transformative Pluto and eccentric Aquarius, which is a place you feel very comfortable, And with all of the fast-paced fire energy surrounding you while odd but intriguing changes take place, you’re one of the few signs that are poised on the verge of success. Your open-minded approach to life gives you a head start and puts you in a winning position. Don’t blow your lead, Gemini!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You’ve got a lot of powerful energy lighting up your career zone this week, Cancer, so go ahead and take the risks you’ve been too afraid to so far. Your daring behavior pays off in ways you can’t even imagine. Taking the initiative shows a boss or client that you mean business. You’re not content to sit on the bench anymore; you’re here to play!

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You’re totally in your element this week as fellow fire sign Aries dominates the cosmic space around you. With your adventurous ninth house capturing a lot of heat now, you can’t wait to have new experiences and learn new things. Philosophy is one of your favorite things to talk about, Leo, but if given the choice, you’d rather be out living life instead of just discussing it.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Your partnership zone gets a lot of attention from aggressive, impulsive Aries this week, Virgo, which means it’s time to get out of your comfy routine and make an unexpected move. An unplanned proposal or invite will change your world for the better — forever. This isn’t the time to overanalyze anything, especially love. Take a chance. You won’t be sorry.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


You can get quite a bit done during the fiery energy you’ll be influenced by early in the week, Libra. With fast-paced Aries visiting your sixth house of tidiness, you can get a lot done around the house/office that can make you much more efficient and effective in the future. Dedicating a little of your time to deep cleaning and organization now will save you a ton of time later. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Your engine has been revving for a long time, so when you get the green light from fire sign Aries this week, you’ll be going from zero to 100. The problem with zooming along that fast, though, Scorpio, is missing out on important details along the way. If you end up getting a speeding ticket or worse, causing an accident, your little joyride can cost you big time. The universe is saying to have fun but also be careful.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Your house of fun and entertainment is affected by a double dose of fiery Aries energy this week, Sagittarius, which is beyond exciting. You’re still the same old life of the party that you always are, but somehow things are cranked up to an even higher level than usual. Colors are brighter, food tastes better, and you basically feel like you’re floating on top of the clouds. It would take something pretty negative to bring you down. 

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You’re much more of a quality-over-quantity type of person most of the time but the aggressively “me-first” energy early in the week shows you that you can have a great time if you go for it all, Capricorn. Why put limits on having a good time? Saying yes to every invite that you get is so not you, but expanding your social circle feels natural now. And making new contacts probably won’t hurt your professional networking opportunities either.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


You’ve got big-time Aries fueling your passion early in the week, but your real firepower comes when intense Pluto leaves strict Capricorn for your free-thinking, innovative, and original sign late in the week. That’s when the real fun — and success — starts for you, Aquarius. Very big things are on the horizon when you’re open to them. Get ready to put current projects on hold if something better comes along.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


The fiery energy of the week doesn’t always match well with your quiet, introverted nature but there are definitely things you can take from Aries’ cosmic presence and use to your advantage. For instance, if you’ve been hesitant to move forward with something, especially regarding your finances, this is the time to step up and take a chance. Your second house of self-worth and possessions is lit up now, Pisces, and taking a risk in this area of your life will show your doubters that you really do have what it takes to make power moves when you want to.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo Courtesy of Pexels.

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