Your Weekly Horoscope: a New Moon, an Eclipse, and Mercury Retrograde (Ugh)

Your Weekly Horoscope: a New Moon, an Eclipse, and Mercury Retrograde (Ugh)

July 1 – July 7, 2019

Well, here we go… the stars are wasting no time as we enter the first week of a very intense July this year. You’ve seen the memes, as people are getting nervous for multiple eclipses, double new moons, and that’s all in addition to our second Mercury retrograde of the year.

Beginning on Monday, Mars (planet of action and passion) moves into charismatic Leo for a six-week stay, making us feel bold, confident, creative, and enjoy making grand gestures.

But there is also the potential for a shake-up, with a new moon and a solar eclipse on Tuesday in the sign of Cancer, which encourages a new beginning. This might relate to home and family affairs, and it could be a long-awaited gear change.

Then midweek, Venus (planet of love) enters Cancer, which can be a soothing influence on the domestic front, especially if there have been issues recently. Entertaining and beautifying the home are two of the possibilities for this time.

On Sunday, Mercury (planet of communication) turns retrograde in the sign of Leo, which can cause delays and misunderstandings until it turns direct again on July 31. Until then, it would be best not to make any major commitments if possible—and you might want to take a look at our Mercury retrograde survival kit and stock up.

Here’s how the planets will affect your sign this week.

mercury planet

Courtesy of @bambashkart

Aries (March 21 – April 19)      

As Mars moves into Leo, romance could strike over the course of the next six weeks. Doesn’t hurt that your confidence will probably increase too—even more (you’re not usually one to be shy, Aries!). Coincidence? Probably not. Early in the week, you’ll also have a strong attachment to home as the solar eclipse travels through your domestic zones, making it the perfect time to buy, sell, move, or beautify your home.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)       

As Mars moves into your home zones, you’ll feel right at home (literally) over the next few weeks. This is a perfect time to start renovating or improving your space. The solar eclipse places a lot of energy on communication. Go right ahead with the things you want to say, Taurus. Venus comes in handy then, later in the week, as this sweet planet moves into the same zone and is great for networking.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)       

You’re always a social butterfly, Gemini. But this week will be especially filled with networking and social events. While it may be tedious, think about it as a time to express your new ideas to the world. A financial opportunity comes your way on Tuesday, aligned with the solar eclipse. Venus will make you want to freely spend on Wednesday, and why not go for it?

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)        

This week for you starts off with a focus on finances. What else can you do to strengthen the stability of your cash flow? That might be a little hard to think about come Tuesday, as the solar eclipse and new moon in your sign encourages you to try new challenges. Lastly, Mercury retrograde is about to hit your money zone in a different way than the beginning of the week—stay away from big purchases.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)         

Mars moves into your sign at the beginning of the week which will really light a fire under you. With that, and the solar eclipse in your spiritual zone on Tuesday, there will be a lot of self-awareness and -improvement happening over the next six weeks. Try to make sure you bring yourself to center a bunch this week so you’re able to hear the messages sent to you.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)        

Mars in Leo won’t hit you as hard as some of the other signs, especially as it creeps into a more self-reflecting section of your chart. You may channel this need to bring yourself to center via housework or mundane tasks—being efficient and practical as you journey inward, like only a Virgo would. Mercury retrograde might have you misplace something important—so keep your treasures close.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)       

Your social calendar is always full, Libra. But as Mars into your social zone, it’s possible that it could get veryfull, very fast. Try to be grateful for all the invites you’re getting, people love to be around you. On Tuesday, the solar eclipse might start to shift things in terms of your job. With Venus’s help, moving into the same sector of fortune on Tuesday, you just might get what you want.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)   

Mars moving through the goals sector of your chart could really push you to go for the things you want (even more than usual). Because of this, you may want to lighten the load on your weekly responsibilities, Scorpio. If you’re on vacation this week, Venus’s power might draw in a romantic interest that could see its way back home.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)       

Adventure (your favorite word, Sagittarius) is up and coming for you with Mars moving into your travel sector. It’s the perfect time to get out in the world and discover new places. On a different note though, the solar eclipse is bringing a bit of change to your life. This shift will feel foreign and awkward at first, but it’ll ask you to embrace the new more than anything.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Change is upon you, Capricorn, as Mars moves into more transformative zones in your chart. This week is about releasing the things that aren’t serving your best interests (particularly related to your finances). While the eclipse could bring up some relationship questions, Venus in Cancer this week will help lessen the tension so that both parties are heard.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)    

Relationships will be approached a little differently here as Mars moves into this sector at the beginning of the week. You may be encouraged to say things that have been weighing on you for some time. Additionally, health is a huge focus here as well. The eclipse is urging you to get back on track with diet, fitness, treatments, and more. You’ve got this, Aquarius!

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)           

For the next six weeks, Mars enters your lifestyle zones. You know what that means, Pisces: it’s time to detox a bit on things you’ve been clung to for too long. The solar eclipse can help you express yourself a little more, while Venus will bring a little more romance into your life. If you’re with someone, expect more dates. If you’re single, now might be the perfect time to meet your next match. Lastly, Mercury retrograde could hit your tech side pretty hard; it’ll be a good idea to back up your files.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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