Weekly Horoscope: New Year, New You

By Horoscope.com

On December 29, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: New Year, New You

December 30, 2019 – January 5, 2020

Get ready for the year of foundation, according to numerology. But the first week of 2020 is going to ease us into the transition. This week kicks off with some major party vibes, and then gets down to business when Mars (planet of action) moves signs.

On Monday, with Mercury (planet of communication) aligning with Uranus (planet of change), it could coincide with a pleasant surprise. This positive alignment can make for a lively evening.

Even so, the focus on Capricorn is ongoing and can encourage a frame of mind to get moving on plans right away. If you aim high this week on your goals, you could see some first steps forward.

Read Me: Your January 2020 Horoscope

Thursday brings a lovely tie between upbeat Mercury and Jupiter (planet of abundance), which can galvanize thinking, assist in finding new solutions to key issues, and offer more cutting-edge ideas to play with, too.

Finally, on Friday, Mars moves into Sagittarius—bringing a whole different feeling of invigoration and a readiness for new adventures. Its presence in this upbeat sign might inspire traveling, studying, or embracing options that may be a bit of a stretch but are worth aiming for.

Read Me: 2020 Astrology Calendar: Retrogrades, Full Moons, and More

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

woman moon

Courtesy of @rachday_


Monday might see you engaging in conversation with someone who may be able to boost your income. With Capricorn energy everywhere this week, you’re really leaning into your responsibilities and are latched onto your goals. Doing so could bring about a great opportunity on Thursday when Mercury and Jupiter align. Get ready, Aries.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Monday could see you connecting with someone over the phone. Give them a call, Taurus—they could have some good information for you. On Thursday, Mercury and Jupiter link up which could make you feel weightless and excited for the future.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The Mercury-Uranus transit at the beginning of the week is really going to tap into your buoyant, party-loving Gemini energy. This might not only bring a social event, but it could also bring a fun reunion. On Thursday, you might receive a gift from someone who’s returning a favor. What a way to start the New Year!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


New Year’s Eve is going to be filled with some interesting people and surprises. There is great potential for a reunion with someone from your past or making new friends. On Thursday, the Mercury-Jupiter aspect is touching a romantic partnership in your life. Get ready to dive deep with your S.O., Cancer.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


A new project or job prospect is filling your thoughts this New Year’s Eve. In fact, it could be a little overwhelming for you. Don’t overpromise and you’ll be fine, Leo. With the Mercury-Jupiter connection on Thursday, a touch of good luck might just send you forward with all the tools you’ll need to do the job. Lastly, Mars moves into your house of romance on Friday. Some lovin’ is in your future for the next couple weeks.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You may come across a few surprises on Monday that could make for an unexpectedly great day. On Thursday, you might get the opportunity to go on a date—and with Mercury and Jupiter aligning, you’ll have a lot of fun things to talk about. You’re getting creative this week, Virgo—let that artistic side shine!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


You’re a bit psychic this week, Libra! This could suddenly bring someone you’ve been thinking about into your life (or into your text messages). When Mars moves into Sagittarius this Friday, it does so in your communication zone. So this is a great time to network or collaborate with others on a new project. It could also spur some trip planning.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Being a Scorpio, you’re always one to dive into dark discussions—and probably take things deeper than they need to go. This New Year’s, you could have the perfect opportunity to do just that. When Mars moves into Sagittarius in your money zone, it’ll be a great time to give items away or sell them. If you’ve been thinking about different ways to make money, now’s the time to try one.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Jupiter is floating through the sector of your chart that discusses money. So, get ready for some abundant cash surprises! In fact, there’s an overall agitated tone in your money zone this week, so you may want to stay frugal. As Mars moves into your sign, you’ll be ready to do anything and take on any project!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


With tons of focus on your sign, you’re going to be feeling very amped this week. Not only that, but you’ll be feeling attractive to others as well. So, work on those connections and they may serve you more than you know down the line. Mars in Sag on Friday may ask you to make some improvements in yourself over the next six weeks.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Venus is still traveling through Aquarius, so you’re still feeling attractive and sultry this week. As it moves to a more private sector in your chart though, you might want to go somewhere alone rather than spend time with others. Know that this is totally normal! Mars moves into your social zone on Friday, which is the best time to network or bolster your business via social media.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


With Mercury and Uranus coming together, there’s a chance for romance to happen over New Year’s. And with a ton of focus on the social zones in your chart, you’re feeling ready to give back. Community service or projects are a great thing for you to be doing right now. On Friday, Mars moves into your ambition zone, Pisces—making you feel even bolder when going for what you want!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @rachday_

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