Weekly Horoscope: August 15–21, 2022

By Mary Bergner

On August 14, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: August 15–21, 2022

The universe has some fun stuff planned for you this week, starting with an exciting, upbeat moon (our emotional guide)-Jupiter (the planet of destiny) conjunction on Monday. Your warmth and generosity are contagious, and many people will want to be around you, putting you in an enthusiastic “let’s do this” mood.

Tuesday’s Mercury (the talkative planet)/Jupiter and moon/sun (the ego-boosting cosmic force) trines radiate good vibes all around, especially when it comes to talking to people and making big plans. You’re surrounded by love and admiration now, which helps you get the party started and keep it going.

Wednesday’s tense square between Venus, our cosmic love goddess, and the moon threatens to ruin the good vibe you’ve got going. But the more you dwell on negatives, the worse they’ll get. As soon as you think sunnier thoughts, the worry leaves your body and you begin to relax and fall back into that positive groove.

By Friday, you’ll be ready to let loose and have some extreme fun again as the moon makes extraordinary moves, including a conjunction with spontaneous Mars (the planetary personification of strength), a trine to mysterious Pluto (ruler of the underworld) and a sextile with lucky Jupiter. The emotional explosion these universal matchups bring can be mind-blowing—and Mars’ trip into outgoing Gemini on Saturday helps you create the perfect party atmosphere to end the week on a high note.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Who cares that you’re not a big planner? Fun has a way of finding you even when you aren’t looking for it this week, Aries. No one is a stranger to you during this animated transit—and you can’t wait to post every minute of the festivities on social media! And with your fascinating planetary leader, Mars, moving into your third house of communication over the weekend, you’re literally the loudest person at the party. 

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


If you’ve been experiencing some difficulties lately, it’s time to put your worries away and try to have a good time. Easier said than done, right, Taurus? But the universe has your back by providing some irresistible party energy to counterbalance your troubles this week. Plus, you’ll feel indulgent when desire-driven Mars teams up with variety-loving Gemini in your house of material possessions over the weekend, and there’s no bad mood that a nice little shopping spree can’t erase! 

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


You get a lot of opportunities to be your social, outgoing self this week, which makes you extremely happy. Powerful Mars moves into your curious sign over the weekend, bringing spontaneous adventures! Your worst problem will probably be which party to go to and which one to skip, which isn’t a bad problem to have, TBH. You might make a bad decision or two, but as long as no one gets hurt, you can put a checkmark in the W column for the week.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You like living in your safe little shell, but as this week’s outgoing vibes pull you out and into the spotlight, you find yourself actually enjoying it out there, Cancer. Who knew that you might like vibing with the party crowd?! And the best news might be that you don’t have to hang with them for long to have your fill of fun. And then you can retreat back to the comfort of your home, happy with the knowledge that you got some great pics to treasure forever and you won’t have that major FOMO that usually creeps in when you skip an event that everyone else attended!

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Your boisterous leader, the sun, is still moving through your outgoing sign this week, Leo, boosting your personality to new heights. Did you know that you could be even more charismatic than you usually are?! It’s no wonder people want to be around you and look to you to get things started. You love being a party host (or even DJ), but you’re an equally good guest. As long as there’s loud music, tasty food and—most importantly—great people, you’re the last to leave.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You’re not exactly known as “the life of the party” in your friend group, but you definitely have your moments. They give you a hard time for always putting your responsibilities first but sometimes—like now—you might surprise them with your carefree behavior. But don’t worry, Virgo, everything you set aside to take this little vacay from reality will be there when you get back. Mars’ trip through your subconscious starts over the weekend, causing you to rethink some of your recent actions. It’s too late for a do-over, but you might do things a little differently next time. 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.


Maintaining a work-life balance is very important to you, Libra, so when things go a little off kilter in favor of a nonstop good time this week, you can’t help but worry. You know that you’ll have to stop partying and tend to your responsibilities sometimes, but that shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying the moment. On Saturday, action-packed Mars moves into curious Gemini, calling for even more spontaneous adventures. What’s your motto now? Can’t stop, won’t stop!

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You might not have the bubbliest personality, but you are alluring in your own way, and your popularity grows to epic proportions during this week’s planetary activity. If small gatherings are more your thing than big blowouts, that’s OK, Scorpio—the universe supports you having a good time wherever you’re most comfortable. And when your determined co-ruler, Mars, moves into smart Gemini this weekend, you’re ready for a major transformation. Smile, Scorpio, because, with all these good vibes surrounding you, it will be ah-ma-zing!

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You don’t like to be on the sidelines. You want to be in the game! So, when this week’s planetary energy takes you off the bench and turns you into a star player, you’re psyched, geared up and ready to go! You can get the win by going hard and giving whatever you’re into your all. So many people are afraid to commit, but you’re not, and your dedication and enthusiasm for the things you’re into this week put you a step ahead of everyone else. Use your headstart to cross the finish line first and grab that prize. You deserve it, Sag.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Out of all the signs, you have the hardest time putting your work down and shifting into party mode. But this week’s upbeat, fun-filled planetary energy reminds you that it’s OK—even for you—to put your responsibilities aside long enough to have a good time. Even if it’s just a bit, your mind and body could use a break from all the stress you’ve been under lately. And when potent Mars transits into your health zone over the weekend, a reassessment of your overall well-being is beneficial. It’s time to slow down for a change and pay attention to your needs, Capricorn.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


While some hot hookup energy is in the air this week, you aren’t really about that. If you’re feeling someone, you might indulge in some heavy flirting, but that’s the extent. For you, this week is more about making platonic connections and being the social coordinator for some of the year’s most memorable events. Your contacts list is already pretty huge, Aquarius, and it will be even bigger at the end of this seven-day stretch! And the thing you can look forward to most? You’ll be adding some celebs to your growing social media followers. You love to be on the cutting edge, so seeing that you’re trending or that a video you made went viral is squeal-worthy.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


As an introvert, you often feel awkward around big groups, and to cover your nervousness, you can say or do some cringy things. But that’s all about to change, Pisces. This week’s energy brings you out of your self-imposed solitary confinement and helps you be more outgoing. Taking baby steps into the party scene allows you to ease into having a good time, and, before you know it, you might be dancing on the tabletops (but probably not)! Try saying yes to things you’d usually say no to—and then ask a friend to go with you if you need that extra layer of comfort if you’re afraid you won’t know anyone else.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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