Weekly Horoscope: April 27 – May 03, 2020

By Horoscope.com

On April 26, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: April 27 – May 03, 2020

Things start off strong on Monday when Mercury (planet of communication) moves into Taurus­—where its presence can encourage practical thinking, especially around financial security. This can be an opportunity to plan and get our money to work harder for us.

There could be a feeling of self-doubt on Tuesday, though, as the planet of talk and thought angles toward Saturn (planet of time and foundation). While this is a temporary aspect, it might encourage an examination of any weak spots in financial planning as a way to resolve them.

On Thursday, Mercury aligns with Uranus (planet of change), which could have an opposite effect as we may see some splurging on impulsive buys. A few treats can be great if there’s a spending limit.

Finally, on Sunday, Venus (planet of love) in Gemini makes an uncomfortable angle to Neptune (planet of illusion), so something may not be quite as it seems. This isn’t the best time to go along with someone’s scheme or plan, because it would be easy to lose more than gain.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

weekly horoscope April 27

Courtesy of @ameyasrealm


Venus is moving through Gemini in your communication zone, so you’re going to be even more persuasive than you are usually. Thanks to Mercury moving into Taurus later on the week though, you’ll also want to talk about more practical things—so this could help tone down your vivacious Aries ways!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You could be in your element over the week as Mercury moves into your sign. When it connects with Uranus on Thursday though, you may feel more bored than usual—and spice things up in your life using your ways with words. Over the weekend, watch out. Your natural urge to splurge on luxe items might be encouraged on Sunday.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Venus continues through your sign this week, making those conversations around your feelings easier than ever—especially because Mercury moves through your spiritual zone this week. Thursday could bring some insight into a problem you’ve been hoping to solve. Finally, you get an answer!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You’re not usually one to be the first one out of the house or on that Zoom call, but when Mercury joins the sun and Uranus on Monday, you’re ready to show your stuff. Even better, Thursday could see a new encounter taking you to new heights. Finally, listen to your dreams over the weekend, Cancer.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You love a good spotlight, Leo. But thanks to a couple planetary alignments, you could be feeling a little self-doubt. Over the weekend, Venus and Neptune mingle; this could lead you to fall more easily for someone who may not be worth your time.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Mercury moves into your exploration zones on Monday. It’s time now to shout from the rooftops the things you want most. As Thursday rolls around, you might even see an opportunity pop up in front of you surrounding this. Finally, go slow with a new love interest on Sunday, Virgo.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Mercury joins up with Uranus this week, encouraging you to tell it like it is—even if that means ruffling some feathers in the process. Overall, the week looks to be a bit more intense for you, Libra. You’ll take some deep dives into your personal self and ask what’s missing.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You’re not usually one to express your feelings, Scorpio. But all that’s changing this week as Mercury and Uranus make a tie. On Thursday, you may meet someone who could really shake things up. And lastly, watch out on Sunday. You might be even more influenced to spend than you usually are.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Here’s something you’ll love to hear, Sagittarius: This week is all about embracing your freedom. Mercury moves into your lifestyle zones plus Uranus moves through your wellness zones. It’s time not only to talk about what you want to change, but also to make those changes happen this week. The Leo moon on Thursday will help you channel your inner needs to really make those changes stick.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Hey, Capricorn, it’s all right to have a little fun here and there. And that’s exactly what the stars are asking you to do this week—thanks to Mercury’s move into your leisure zone. There’s also a lot happening in your romance zone, so take advantage and spend time with your cutie.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


As your planet, Uranus, connects with the sun in your home zone, you’ll be ready to put things to the test at home. This is your week to really start those tough conversations with family in order to promote healing. But make sure you’re thinking about what you say, before you say it. Uranus has a tendency to stir up your anxiety-ridden attitude. No one needs to feel surprised here, Aquarius.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Mercury is in your communication zone earlier this week—so you’ll finally be able to say what you need to say, instead of dancing around the topic. This week is also the best time for you to launch your new ideas out into the world, Pisces. Lastly, the Leo moon lights up your health and inspires you to work on the bod.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm

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