Weekly Horoscope: April 11–17, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On April 10, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: April 11–17, 2022

Welcome to the first full week of April! For those in the northern hemisphere, I hope those April showers haven’t been raining too hard on the collective’s parade. Astrologically, the forecast is fraught this week. Multiple planets are moving or recently have moved from one sign to another, and the full moon in Libra finds us later in the week. 

So, prepare to be a little on the move this week, but keep your eyes open, especially when Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Neptune (the planet of illusions) in Pisces conjunct on Tuesday. Now, the creative juices will be flowing for sure — expect tidal waves even. But amid these chill vibes, there’s an opportunity for confusion and getting “lost in the sauce,” so to speak. Everything is not what it seems with Neptune, and Jupiter tends to add fuel to the fire. So, there’s a distinct possibility of a runaway train situation.

As the week proceeds, Mars (the planet of action) joins beautiful Venus in Pisces on Thursday, shifting the focus from the self to selflessness. Bleeding hearts are nearly a given over the next few weeks, softening the otherwise individualistic nature of Aries season. 

Finally, as the first full moon of the astrological year, Saturday’s full moon in Libra shines a light on our relationships. Now, no one’s telling you to hash it out with your lover (and especially not with the sun and Mercury in Aries), but it’s a chance to contemplate your partnerships. You know the deal — rest and reflect. 

Courtesy of John Diez on Pexels

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You more than anyone — perhaps, save Libra — will feel the full force of the full moon in Libra later this week, as it lands smack-dab in your romance zone. So, Aries, love is definitely in the air, but don’t get caught up! The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is sure to place a bit of a veil over our eyes, so you may not be seeing your lover clearly.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You’re hardly the wildest sign in the zodiac, Taurus, but you’ll be feeling even free over the next few weeks. Venus’ and now Mars’ shifts into Pisces have landed the planets in your adventure zone. It’s not common for you to go off your beaten path, but with these planets in that sector, you’re being called to go where you never have before. The world is your oyster — take a leap of faith!

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


The world is brimming with opportunities to live and learn. With the Piscean energy splashing into your zone of thought processes, you’re probably feeling like the student of life you’re known to be, Gemini. What subject do you want to fall into this week? Even if formal schooling isn’t an option, the internet is full of free classes and books. Use the energy to jump into a new book — perhaps a fantasy novel?

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


With this Saturday’s full moon in Libra, your home is your focus, Cancer. While you’re no hoarder, it’s possible that things have piled up around the house. With Libra’s beautifying energy, you may find a little energy to do a little spring cleaning. Your house is your palace, and it should reflect that fact. So, try to do a little interior decorating if you can.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Turn up the AC because things are heating up starting this week, Leo! Some weeks ago, Venus slid into Pisces and your zone of intimacy. Now, Mars joins the planet of love this week, adding a little spice to touchy and intense matters. You’re hardly a closed-off sign, but the next few weeks might find you a little more open than usual — don’t let anyone shame you for making your true feelings known.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Contrary to popular belief, you can be a soft, romantic sign when you’re in the mood, Virgo. And, given the presence of Venus and now Mars in your partnership sector, you’ll likely be in the mood over the next few weeks. However, beware of Mars’ influence there, as things can get a little spicy romantically — for better or worse. Push against Aries’ additional influence to avoid unnecessary lovers’ spats.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Good vibes are upon you this week, Libra. The two Lover planets, Venus and Mars, have dipped into Pisces and your routine sector. What does your average day look like? Have you picked up any bad habits since the beginning of the year? If so, fear not! Despite the overall discomfort that is being in your opposite sign’s, Aries’, season, this energy is perfect for perfecting your day-to-day habits. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Prepare yourself for a few weeks of fun, Scorpio! Venus and Mars have found a new home in your pleasure sector, so good times aren’t far off. You’re being given the astrological go-ahead to live life to the fullest. But don’t let yourself get too lost in the proverbial sauce. Piscean energy is slippery, so try to keep one foot on solid ground, lest you find yourself disoriented come Aries season.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


As the adventurer of the zodiac, you may disagree, but home is where the heart is, Sagittarius. And for the next few weeks, your home will figure heavily on your mental, especially with Venus and Mars now in your domestic zone. Fortunately for you, Venus softens Mars’ rough edges, so familial disagreements won’t be nearly as explosive as they could be. This energy is best spent renovating or redecorating your home.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Feel free to heave a sigh of relief, Capricorn, as Mars leaves your finance sector. Your wallet is probably thanking the astro-weather for this change. But with the two planets now in your communication sector, you’re probably more conversationally open than usual. Rather than expending this chatty energy on talking some poor person’s ear off, devote yourself to reading, writing, or even exploring your city.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


The last of the (inner) planets in your sign has finally left the building, Aquarius. All things considered, it’s been quite the ride! Now, with the planet of love in your finance zone, prepare for some (fiscal) blessings to rain down. Being the thrifty sign that you are, I hardly need to remind you to spend wisely. But on the off chance that you’re feeling luxurious, remember that Mars is there as well, and he loves to shake things up.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


This week’s astrological flavor is a bit Piscean, so you’ll be feeling right at home, particularly with Mars flowing into your sign. However, it can be a strange position, the planet of action in your typically lackadaisical sign and appearance zone, but you’re not unfamiliar with making the best of an odd situation. Embrace the Martian energy by creating and enforcing more boundaries over the next few weeks. There’s nothing wrong with a little firmness.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Main photo courtesy of @lazyartistgallery on Instagram.

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