Today's Horoscope for Thursday, September 28, 2017: How Far Will You Go to Reach Your Goals?


On September 28, 2017

In Element, Future, Spirit

Today's Horoscope for Thursday, September 28, 2017: How Far Will You Go to Reach Your Goals?

You get lucky in October. Find out more with your premium October horoscope!.

Yesterday, a quarter moon in Capricorn may have made everything around you feel chaotic, and everyone around you feel grumpy. Its effects aren’t entirely over yet—you may find yourself being pressured to finish up a project you started at the end of summer, or to lock down plans for the weekend when you’re not even sure what you’re going to do in the next hour. In the face of so much expectation, all zodiac signs would do well to put themselves first today. Keep your eye on the horizon and your feet on the ground, and those longterm, hard-to-reach goals will start to coming into clearer focus. 

Aries Daily Horoscope
Balanced Libra is putting extra pressure on you today to ensure that your life, is, well, balanced. Admit it: Have you been overly focused on your job, relationship, or gym habit? If so, it’s time to recalibrate a bit. You may feel people are resentful of you, and while jealousy may play a part, they may have a point. Spending time with those you love—and making extra time for your partner—will pay off in big ways today. (Check out 5 Relationship Habits for a Deeper Spiritual Connection With Your Partner for some inspo!)

Taurus Daily Horoscope
Bulls, what more does the universe have to tell you to give you the motivation to do what you’ve been putting off? It may be scary, it may cause your heart to pound, but sending that text or scheduling that must-do appointment you’ve been dreading will make you feel so much better. You’ve done all the hard work. Get this done before the weekend so it doesn’t hang over you. (Need some support? Here’s How to Overcome Fear, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.)

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Gemini are searching today, and you may feel frustrated because the answers aren’t clear, or you aren’t sure which decision to make. Have patience. Libra season is about balance, and learning to live in the in-between is a powerful lesson for the next few weeks. For right now, it’s okay not to know. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Admit it: Work is stressful AF. Before you blame your boss or coworkers, though, take a look at what you’re contributing to the situation. Could it be that this job just isn’t the right fit? You don’t have to take any steps now, but tuning into your gut for the next few days is the best way to figure out what you really do want to do with your life. 

What color is your aura, and where is it leading you? Ask the Chakra Tarot….

Leo Daily Horoscope
Lions can sometimes be a bit cliquey, but the stars say to get outside of your usual social circle today and shake things up by talking to someone now. Better yet, pin down a date for that coffee you’ve been saying you’ll get with an interesting acquaintance “sometime.” Outside insight from people you don’t know could prove to be exceptionally valuable today—keep yourself open to it. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Expansive Jupiter and innovative Uranus are still circling your financial sector, and money is on your mind. You may have a big purchase coming up, or have an unexpected windfall coming your way. The stars say not to make any sudden decisions. If a purchase is right, it can wait. Bottom line: If you feel nervous or unsure, wait to buy until you feel excited and certain. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
Romantic possibilies are swirling as you head into the weekend. You’ve got your flirt game going on, but if you’re attached, know that a friendly conversation could be misconstrued. People are taking your words at face value today, so be careful what you say. Single? Your confidence is at an all time high, so make a move! 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
It’s been a stressful week, and it’s not even over. Instead of focusing on things you can’t control, or what you wish others would do, try focusing on the best ways to dispel your own tension. Sweating it out at the gym is a great move today—try a new class. Badass Scorpio does especially well with boxing, which is no suprise.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Independent Archers may be feeling pressure—either internally or from their SO—to settle down. Libra, the star sign of partnership, is putting the pressure on you to make some romantic or dating decisions. Remember: You can be independent and attached. Learning to be vulnerable and let go a bit can go a long way in your relationship.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Family tension has been brewing these past few days, and it may feel it’s reaching a breaking point today, Caps. Deep breath. Things can and will settle down, but approaching a conversation from a point of accusation and emotion will only escalate things. The best thing to do is lay low—consider making a happiness board today, as a way to honor your individuality and remind yourself of all the positive things going on in your life.  

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Dynamic Jupiter and inventive Uranus interact all week, and today is a great day to make major headway on a creative project. You’ve got a lot of great ideas—don’t be afraid to share them today and enjoy the burst of creative flow! Want to dive even deeper? Consider doing some crystal work!

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Pisces are feeling frustrated today, mostly because their ambition exceeds the actual number of hours in the day. Break down tasks into small steps—it’s much better to do one thing than not do five things. And also, don’t let work take all your focus. Having a coffee run or lunch with a friend will only make you more productive and can help you brainstorm through a problem. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope.

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Want more info to tap into the power of your zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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