Your Weekly Horoscope: The Sun Moves into Hypnotic Scorpio and Things Get *Intense*!


On October 21, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: The Sun Moves into Hypnotic Scorpio and Things Get *Intense*!

October 22 – October 28, 2018

The week ahead hints at a more intense phase and a shift in focus. As expressive Mercury aligns with potent Pluto on Monday, your conversations and decisions might be guided by your emotions, which could be more passionate than usual. 

To add to this, the sun moves into hypnotic Scorpio on Tuesday, encouraging you to look beneath the surface to hidden depths rather than rely on more superficial observations. It also opposes restless Uranus, which could coincide with a surprise or news that makes you sit up and take notice.

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Eccentric Uranus also ties into the full moon midweek, which could make this an erratic time when feelings come very much to the fore. And it would be easy to act – or overreact – on the spur of the moment, which wouldn’t be helpful. 

The sun aligns with sociable retrograde Venus on Friday, illuminating an issue that may now need attention.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

New business plans may come your way early in the week, and it could be very lucrative. The sun moves into Scorpio on Tuesday, and your sector of finance, business, and deep-seated emotions—meaning the upcoming four weeks will be perfect resolving fiscal issues and becoming emotionally more stable. It’s a good thing. On Wednesday, Venus retrograde aligns with sobering Saturn, which encourages you to be more practical with money. Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

At the beginning of the week,  a harmonious tie involving curious Mercury could arouse your love of puzzles and mystery. Ooh la la! Books, and anything else that encourages you to dig deep, are a good thing. Later in the week, the sun moves into your Relationships zone, which puts a spotlight on the interpersonal. And with lively Uranus in your sign, you might feel like showing off a different side of yourself. Be brave! Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

It’s an intense week, and it might be time for you to dip deep and figure some things out—especially when it comes to your job or lifestyle. If you’ve been looking to make a change, it might be time. However, please think it through first. There might not be any take backs, as the case may be. Midweek’s full moon might leave you in a very emotional, rebellious state. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Oooh, it’s gonna be a fun week, Cancer! With good times, creativity, and romance being majorly spotlighted as the sun moves into this zone early in the week. It’s time to showcase those talents you don’t normally show off! Venus is still retrograde, so you might feel a little shy, but just know that you’re great at what you do. Midweek might have you feeling extra sensitive with the full moon. It’s OK, you’ll get through it! Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

You’ve got a lot on your plate—try to get it done earlier in the week, if you can. Midweek’s full moon ties to unpredictable Uranus, so you might be distracted or called to deal with something urgent at work. If you’re prepared, it’ll be easy peasy. And don’t forget to treat yourself with good times or at least a little rest—a massage could work miracles. Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

It’s time to get things done, Virgo! Administrative tasks, cleaning clutter, and getting rid of piles of paper! Let it go, let it go! On Tuesday, the sun moves into your sector of communication for a four-week stay, and its illuminating presence will you clarity about what’s important, and what you can cut out of your life. With Wednesday’s full moon that ties to restless Uranus in your sector of far horizons, you could feel a strong desire to just take off. Try not to be too impulsive about it, but it could be a good time to actually plan something! Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Your finances are the focal point early in the week, and a big decision might need to be made. If you’re planning on doing something with your house—make sure to think every decision through thoroughly. The sun moves into your money zone on Tuesday for a four-week stay, so that just extra highlights the need to be careful with your fiscal health. Wednesday’s full moon might make you want to spend, spend, spend, but it might be better to save, save, save! Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

You’re busy, busy, busy, Scorpio! The sun is moving into your sign early on Tuesday, and you might feel really in control of your destiny. If you’ve been on shaky ground for a while, you can say goodbye to all that! You’re standing strong now. Wednesday’s full moon is linked with rebellious Uranus, which could make things feel majorly heightened. Your partner might say or do something unexpected. It’s gonna be a wild, intriguing ride! Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

It’s time to turn inwards, Sagittarius! You’re on a journey into yourself, and you’ll come out the other side with greater self-awareness. With a focus on Scorpio and your spiritual zone, you might find yourself releasing long pent-up emotions. If you want help getting through it, you need to ask someone. And with both Venus and the sun angling toward Saturn in the second half of the week, spiritual influences could affect you—particularly your views on money. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

You might feel like a social butterfly—especially as the sun moves in early in the week and joins lovely Venus, witty Mercury, and expansive Jupiter. You’re ready to mix and mingle with a variety of wonderful people—just take it easy on Tuesday, OK? Some unexpected events could trigger emotions, and things might get really real, really fastKeep an eye out for a formal invite later in the week; it’ll be a good time. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius, there is probably no way for you to stay out of the spotlight this week, so you might as well enjoy it! Showcase those skills and get ready to be a ~star~! By Wednesday’s full moon, you might feel some erratic energies, and issues at home could distract you from your goals. Take stock, and make changes, if you need to. With both sweet Venus and the sun linking with sobering Saturn, the second half of the week will definitely be chiller. Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Ready for adventure, Pisces? Well, it might be heading your way in the upcoming weeks! With the cheery sun moving into Scorpio and your sector of travel and far horizons, an amazing adventure might be close at hand. Wednesday’s full moon full moon that ties in with rebellious Uranus might lead to an encounter or conversation that could throw a wrench in the works by suggesting something that seems a bit of a stretch—you might be tempted to impulsively go for it, but it could prove wise to think it through. Does everything have to be such a hassle? Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @peterkinnnn via Twenty20

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