October 2020 Full Moon in Taurus Horoscopes

By Nina Kahn

On October 29, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

October 2020 Full Moon in Taurus Horoscopes

The October full moon in Taurus debuts on Saturday, October 31 at 7:51 am PT, and it’s lighting up Halloween weekend with some cosmic tricks and treats. As the second full moon to take place this month, it is also considered a “blue moon”—which adds to the mystique and magic of this rare (and slightly spooky) Halloween lunation.

This full moon in earthy, sensuous Taurus ignites our senses and brings our awareness to the material realms of romance, pleasure, and finances. And with the moon opposing the sun in Scorpio, we’ve got a lot of fixed sign energy on our hands—which inspires us to create stability in our lives and follow through with bringing matters to a sensible climax or conclusion. It’s a great time to maximize your pleasure and indulge in a full moon treat, too!

But before you settle too deeply into your lunar comfort zone, let’s talk about the full moon tricks, because they are aplenty. Uranus (planet of change, progress, and awakenings) is cozying up to the moon and forming its annual surprise-filled opposition to the sun. This means the unpredictability level of this lunation is off the hook. Expect sudden shake-ups, illuminating revelations, or changes of circumstance—especially when it comes to money, love, and the things we value.

This lunation offers us an opportunity to step away from our Mercury retrograde-induced brain fog and embrace our creature comforts—even if we must do so from outside of our comfort zones. Root yourself firmly into the earth, Taurus-style, so you can weather the winds of change without being knocked off your feet.

Expect the unexpected, star babies! Here’s what Halloween’s blue full moon has in store for you.

How the Full Moon in Taurus Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

full moon in taurus

Photo courtesy of @holistic_astrology


If you’ve got messy loose ends that need tying up in the love and money departments, now’s the time to take care of business, Aries. With the full moon and Uranus in your house of value, it’s important to listen to your inner desires as you get your affairs in order. You’ll feel freer and much better about yourself once you do. Pluck those thorns from your side so you can sit back and smell the roses, Aries.


Your annual full moon moment has arrived, Bull baby, and it’s pushing you out of your comfort zone in the most exciting of ways. With the moon and Uranus joining forces within your sign, this is a chance to reinvent yourself. Don’t be stubborn. Embrace a new look or style of expressing yourself, even if you’re nervous about being judged. Stay open-minded and trust that real friends will encourage your evolution, not scorn it.


You might feel like your mind, body, and spirit have collectively been thrown into a blender this weekend, Gemini. But thankfully, there’s one safe place you can take respite: within yourself! Instead of booking yourself silly with Halloween plans, give yourself permission to sleep in, rest, and go into semi-hibernation mode. Turning your focus inward and listening to your subconscious intuition will help you navigate the external full moon chaos.


Some help from your friends never hurt, Cancer, so bust out of that Crab shell of yours and connect with your crew. The dynamics within your social life (and community at large) may be shifting in ways you didn’t expect or foresee, but bringing in the perspectives and support of those around you can help you stabilize your full moon feels. Other people are unpredictable, but that might actually bring freedom instead of instability.


Prepare for an “aha moment” at work, Leo. You’re being given the chance to see your career path and public persona a little more clearly—which will help you see your inner self more clearly, too. Because the full moon and Uranus are in your house of public affairs, there may be an unexpected and exciting shift that could lead to new opportunities. Trade in your need for control for some faith in the universe’s plan.


This full moon could catalyze a total paradigm shift—or at the very least, help you look at the world from a different perspective. Re-evaluate your commitment to long-held opinions and keep an open mind. When you say you believe in something, Virgo, do you really mean it? Get your news from a different source or chat with someone who will challenge your belief system. You might be surprised by what your mind and spirit are drawn to.


If seeking answers to life’s deepest questions feels like an impossible task right now, Libra, maybe it’s okay to let it be. We can’t ever know for sure how life will play out, so don’t waste your energy trying to read minds. With the full moon in your house of transformation, embracing the mysterious and ever-evolving nature of existence is your key—whether you’re dealing with issues of the financial, romantic, or existential sort.


With both the sun and Mercury retrograde in your sign, Scorpio, you’ve got a lot on your personal plate right now—but this full moon requires you to shift your focus toward partnerships, step outside your comfort zone, and find new ways to relate to the people closest to you. Stability only counts if it can hold up through a shakedown, so embrace changes of heart or revelations within relationships as tests of strength rather than signs of sudden doom.


Bored of your routine? Hope so. Because ready or not, it’s getting a full moon makeover. Subconsciously, Sagittarius, you’ll know this change is for the best—even if Uranus’ influence brings some totally unexpected revelations or daily stresses. While restructuring your schedule and prioritizing your to-do list may temporarily force you out of your fantasy world, it’ll ultimately allow you more space and freedom to get things done on your own terms.


Unbutton that shirt and loosen that tie, Capricorn, because this full moon inspires you to seek joy and have a little Halloween fun. Think less about your goals for the future and more about enjoying the present—which means being open to whatever creative inspirations, flirtations, and passions come your way. And pssst: Don’t be surprised if some romantic energy bubbles up somewhere you least expect it.


We can’t burst forward into the future without making peace with our past, Aquarius. And with the full moon in your home and family sector, you might have to face revelations close to your heart. It can be hard to get comfortable with vulnerability, but think of the tension you feel as a mere growing pain. Facing issues in your private life head-on will allow you to shine more brightly everywhere else you go.


Between the full moon in your house of communication and Mercury in retrograde, getting your point across might devolve into a game of telephone now, Pisces. It’ll be way too easy for you to run into unexpected distractions, misinterpretations, or accidentally find yourself in the middle of a gossip spiral. If it feels like you’re getting pulled into petty dramas. Take care to keep your convos lighthearted and sweet—or simply put your phone on silent.

Lead photo courtesy of @holistic_astrology

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