Your October Love & Sex Horoscope: Scorpio Power Within

By Maressa Brown

On September 30, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope, Love

Your October Love & Sex Horoscope: Scorpio Power Within

Autumn is officially here, bringing with it crisp breezes, vibrantly colored leaves, and a buzzing anticipation of the festivities to come.

It’s a moment when we’re not only getting back to work but we’re reveling in time spent close to home, sipping PSLs, lounging in cozy sweaters, and enjoying the fruits of this harvest season (think apple picking or baking pies). Considering the beauty, balance, and family-oriented vibes of the month, it makes total sense why the first month of fall spans two weeks of peacemaking, relationship-oriented Libra season and two weeks of transformative, powerfully emotional Scorpio season.

This year, October will be bursting at the seams with opportunities to hone your self-image while bolstering your deepest bonds. It’s a month for spending as much time in your ~feelings~ as it is built for putting your imagination to work for you and getting carried away by daydreams.

Read Me: Your October 2019 Horoscope: Everything Your Zodiac Sign Needs to Know This Month

Here’s how you can use the dynamic energy of October’s planetary lineup to turn your most sexy visions into concrete results.

Astrological ‘Love’ Dates to Watch in October 2019

October 3: Pluto goes direct and Mars in Libra

This month of the year offers the opportunity to set a new tone for the rest of 2019, and on October 3, transformative Pluto ends its five-month retrograde in Capricorn, taking internal change and underlying power dynamics and making them external once more. Now you can make solid moves on whatever relationship issue you’ve been meditating on since April 24. The same day, go-getter Mars shifts into cardinal air sign Libra, where it remains until November 19, informing our actions with the sign’s favorite themes: balance and beauty.

Read Me: Element Compatibility: Will It Be True Love?

October 8: Venus in Scorpio

When it moves through Scorpio, the planet of relationships, beauty, and money is considered to be in its “fall” or “detriment.” (In other words, the nature of the sign is at odds with Venus, so it’s in a weakened state). For this reason, it might be difficult to make the most of Venus as it moves through the fixed water sign Scorpio from October 8 to November 1. Yet, it should bring a more intense, possessive, passionate, transformative energy to the areas of life in which we’re expressing ourselves artistically and romantically.

October 13: Full moon in Aries

Forming a harmonious trine to Jupiter, the planet of luck and fortune, but squaring off against taskmaster Saturn and transformative Pluto in Capricorn, this fiery full moon on October 13 sends a message of taking initiative but also knowing our limits. One major takeaway might be recognizing that no matter how much you make your desires known or chase after your dream romantic outcome, you can’t control a lover’s reaction.

October 21: Venus conjunct Neptune

Although Venus isn’t at its full strength in Scorpio, it does put it in a harmonizing position to dreamy Neptune in Pisces, setting up a beautiful opportunity for getting lost in our wildest, most romantic fantasies and pouring feelings into creative self-expression.

October 23: Sun in Scorpio

Here comes Scorpio season! From October 23 to November 22, the confident sun moves through the driven, mysterious water sign, turning our attention to the darker side of life. This could bring a possessive vibe to relationships, but also make it possible to connect physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

October 27: New moon in Scorpio

Finally, the month closes out with an intense new moon in the passionate fixed water sign, pushing us to reflect on our needs in a deep, transformative way and then set a powerful intention that will have an undeniable reverberating effect.

Here’s what each sign can expect in love and between the sheets this October. (If you know your rising sign, you’d do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)

Your Love Life in October 2019, Based on Your Sign

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Thanks to go-getter Mars’ move through your seventh house of partnership from October 3 to November 19, you’ll have the green light to get to work on difficult relationship issues that might have previously been on the backburner. There’s also a possibility that you’ll butt heads with your significant other—especially when your Aries ego comes into play—but a particularly conscious effort to get on the same page can pay off and lead to a steamy reconciliation. And around October 27, when the new moon is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you’ll want to make a conscious move to feel closer to your partner or someone special. Taking charge of your desires feels empowering now and moving forward.

Read your full Aries love horoscope for 2019.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

One-on-one time with your S.O. or someone special is sure to be your focus while romantic Venus is in your seventh house of partnership from October 8 to November 1. And if you can devote that time to pleasure-seeking activities together (like getting a couples massage or taking a weekend trip), you could achieve a whole new level of harmony. On October 21, the romance planet forms a sweet trine to dreamy Neptune in your eleventh house of friendship, making it an ideal time to get together with your social circle. A group date or pre-Halloween party could set a magical tone for several of your closest bonds, Taurus!

Read your full Taurus love horoscope for 2019.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, you’ll be wanting to express your most heartfelt emotions from October 3 to November 19 while action-oriented Mars is in your fifth house of romance. At the same time, activities that allow for a lot of playfulness and spontaneity are favored, so you’ll do well to make loose plans with your partner, then see where the moment takes you. And thanks to transformative Pluto going direct in your eighth house of sexual intimacy on October 3, you’ll want to think back on any meditations you’ve had over the past five months about the power dynamic and physical-emotional connection with your S.O. or dream partner. Making moves related to these realizations can lead to meaningful, satisfying shifts.

Read your full Gemini love horoscope for 2019.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

While the confident sun moves through Cancer’s fifth house of romance from October 23 to November 22, you’ll be thirsty for flirtatious, creatively-inspired interactions. Prioritizing lighthearted, fun activities with your sweetheart (like visiting a pumpkin patch) can be restorative and bond-bolstering. And around October 27, the new moon in the same zone bumps up your drive to express your desires. Giving into your urge to make your sweetest, most imaginative romantic fantasies known has you feeling empowered—and basically glow from the inside out! Because this is a powerful time for intention-setting, you have the opportunity to take advantage of this whimsical energy now and in the months ahead.

Read your full Cancer love horoscope for 2019.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Your attention could be a bit scattered, but you’ll have your pick of invitations to RSVP “yes” to while go-getter Mars is in your third house of communication from October 3 to November 19. The benefit of this transit for your love life? You’ll be more inclined to say exactly how you feel and set boundaries in an effective, diplomatic way. This can lead to increased clarity around your current romantic situation. Then, on October 21, romantic Venus in Leo’s fourth house of home life forms a harmonizing trine to dreamy Neptune in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, setting the stage for the ultimate Netflix and chill night in with your sweetheart. Enjoying a new level of security and comfort from your bond can set flame to your chemistry.

Read your full Leo love horoscope for 2019.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You’ll do well to think back on any realizations you’ve had over the past five months related to your current romance or relationship goals, because once transformative Pluto moves forward in your fifth house of romance on October 3, you’ll have a clearer path to creating change. Do your best to be open to swimming in the deepest emotional waters of your most intimate bonds, Virgo. And on October 21, relationship-oriented Venus in your third house of communication forms a positive trine to dreamy Neptune in your seventh house of partnership, making it the perfect time to have a meaningful conversation with your sweetheart about your most pressing daydreams and long-term goals. The moment can offer sweet, well-deserved peace of mind.

Read your full Virgo love horoscope for 2019.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

While go-getter Mars is in your sign from October 3 to November 19, you’ll be especially assertive and empowered to turn steamy fantasies into reality. This transit can also translate to extra energy, causing your sex drive to be positively lit. And around October 13, when the full moon is in your seventh house of partnership, you’ll be zeroed in on balancing your needs with your significant other’s or figuring out if you’re compatible with a potential match. This is a crucial time for soul-searching and respecting not only a love interest’s boundaries but your own. Ultimately, the lesson of this moment is figuring out what you need to do to be comfortable and true to yourself within your closest one-on-one bonds.

Read your full Libra love horoscope for 2019.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You’ll be all about giving into your urges to have fun, seek pleasure, and open up about your feelings while romantic Venus moves through your sign from October 8 to November 1. This transit also bumps up your inner and outer glow, helping to make you even more magnetic than usual. Take advantage by planning that sexy date night or vacation you’ve been fantasizing about for some time. And around October 27 when the new moon is in your sign, you’ll have your annual shot at setting a major goal related to your self-image and dream path in the months ahead. Whether you’ve been wanting to take a relationship to the next level or finally forge a soulmate-like connection, you have amplified power to manifest your desires.

Read your full Scorpio love horoscope for 2019.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

A Sagittarius M.O. is typically party-loving and quite public (PDA? No problem!). But you might actually be drawn to more secretive, behind-closed-doors affairs while romantic Venus moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from October 8 to November 1. Whether you’re sending your lover stealthy sexts in the middle of the day or taking to a journal to muse about deeply personal romantic fantasies, the vibe of the moment lends itself to psychological exploration of your romantic and erotic needs. Though you may not immediately act on what you discover, you’re setting up thrilling times ahead. And around October 13, when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance, you’ll be burning to break free of your day-to-day rut and have a fun adventure with your lover or your closest friends. Though you might be intimidated by the pile-up of work that might result if you backburner your responsibilities, there’s a great deal of emotional satisfaction that can come with giving into your heart now.

Read your full Sagittarius love horoscope for 2019.

Read Me: The Best Sex Positions for Your Sign

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Connecting with close and distant friends and feeling like a part of a community can add to your vitality while romantic Venus moves through your eleventh house of friendship from October 8 to November 1. Whether you’ve been thinking of joining a social club, volunteering with a local organization, or planning a party with friends, now’s the moment to prioritize feeling like part of something bigger than yourself. If you’re single, you could hit it off with someone in the group, and if you’re attached, being involved in team efforts with your partner can be a super-satisfying experience. And around October 13, when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life, you’ll feel an intense need to boost your work-life balance. Setting boundaries and carving out quiet time at home with your partner and/or loved ones now can benefit your heart and mind.

Read your full Capricorn love horoscope for 2019.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Thanks to go-getter Mars moving through your ninth house of adventure from October 3 to November 19, getting out of your comfort zone is a must. Not that you have to be told that, Aquarius. You’ll want to travel and expand your mind by learning new skills. Whether you hit the road with your sweetheart or attend a sound bath together, sharing eye-opening experiences is the key to lighting up your chemistry. Then, around October 13, when the full moon is in your third house of communication, you might feel overloaded with routine to-dos and crave major downtime. Check what you can off of your list and then schedule that night in with your sweetheart or low-key date with a potential match. You deserve to chill!

Read your full Aquarius love horoscope for 2019.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You’ll be especially in tune with your sexual and emotional needs, which could be extra intense, while action-oriented Mars moves through your eighth house of sexual intimacy from October 3 to November 19. And you won’t be satisfied by superficial or even lighthearted bonding, as you’ll be drawn to seriously deep, meaningful connection above all else. Own it. And around October 21, relationship-oriented Venus in your ninth house of adventure forms a harmonizing trine to dreamy Neptune in your sign, cranking up the volume on your already vivid daydreams related to a romantic trip or daring experience. Map out exactly what you’ve been wishing for, and you can make it yours.

Read your full Pisces love horoscope for 2019.

Lead photo courtesy of @rachday_

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