Your October Sex and Love Horoscope Is Here and Things Are About to Get Steamy AF!

By Maressa Brown

On October 2, 2018

In Astrology

Your October Sex and Love Horoscope Is Here and Things Are About to Get Steamy AF!

Are you ready for your October 2018 sex and love horoscope? Well, you better get ready! As the days get shorter, the air gets crisper, and spooky, sexy celebrations approach, the thought of cozying up with your significant other or a potential partner is sure to be even more appealing. Whether you’re taking hikes to enjoy the changing colors of the leaves, tailgating at a football game, or prepping for a Halloween party, the first full month of fall—spanning half of both Libra and Scorpio seasons—presents opportunities galore for making sparks fly. That said, you’ll do well to note the positive and challenging astrological aspects on the horizon.

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The main headline this month is Venus’ retrograde, which officially begins on October 5 in sex-driven Scorpio, backs into relationship-oriented Libra on Halloween, and ends on November 16. When the planet of love and beauty moves backward, we’re encouraged to slow down and reflect on matters of the heart, reassess partnerships, and revise our approach toward romance. It’s quite possible that forward movement in these areas of life could be slowed. (In fact, Venus retrograde is generally considered the least ideal time to get married.)  

The planet of communication Mercury spends most of the month (October 9 to 31) in Scorpio, potentially cranking up the intensity of emotional conversations and encouraging secretiveness.

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A new moon in cardinal air sign Libra on October 8 signals new beginnings, intention-setting, and rebalancing in relationships. Sure, this could be at odds with Venus retrograde, but rather than letting these conflicting energies get the best of you, you’ll do well to let your heart guide you down the right path.  

Later in the month, on October 23, the sun moves into magnetic, mysterious Scorpio, drawing our focus to the depths of our emotions. And the full moon in Taurus on October 24 sets the stage for sudden, albeit serious transformations and change that serve your closest relationships well in the long-run.

Here, what each sign can expect in matters of love and between the sheets this October. (If you know your rising sign, you’ll do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

The tone is perfect for finally moving forward on a major project or activity with your S.O. or a potential lover around October 8, thanks to a new moon in your seventh house of partnership. If it’s something you’ve had on the backburner and that can boost your sex life, even better, as romantic Venus will be retrograde in your eighth house of sexual intimacy from October 5 to 31, encouraging you to tend to old relationship business and reassess your current dynamic. On October 26, when the sun and Venus retrograde pair up in that house, intensity around these issues could reach a fever pitch. Facing it head-on serves you best.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Thanks to communicator Mercury in your seventh house of partnership from October 9 to 31, you’re bound to be having more intense conversations with your significant other or flirtations with a potential lover. Sexting or sending steamy snaps could take your relationship to the next level. That said, it may be tougher now to solidify a deeper commitment, as Venus will be retrograde in your partnership zone from October 5 to 31. Around October 24, a full moon in your sign sets the tone for deep self-reflection and transformation that could offer clarity around your closest bonds.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Venus moves backward through your sixth house of routine from October 5 to 31 and then your fifth house of romance from Halloween to November 16, potentially amplifying everyday stressors and curbing spontaneous efforts to boost lovey-dovey magic. The fix: Prioritizing self-care routines (like a sound bath) and planning date nights, as opposed to going with the flow. Thankfully, around October 8, when the new moon is in your fifth house of romance, your imagination could run wild, fueling a current crush or cranking up the flirtatious energy with your S.O. Setting long-term intentions related to your heart’s desire now can set the stage for more joyful experiences down the road.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You always love staying in, cooking up a delicious meal with the object of your affection, and leaning on the trusty ol’ Netflix and chill plan, but your desire to spend time with a lover close to home could reach a fever pitch around October 8, thanks to the new moon in your fourth house of home life. Dreaming up and planning celebrations that are shared one-on-one and with loved ones could elevate your bond now. You may feel haunted by a past relationship or flirtation while Venus retrogrades through that same house from October 5 to 31. Allowing yourself time and space to reflect on that, as well as your current desires, can offer valuable insight. And around the October 24 full moon in your eleventh house of networking, spending time with friends (think group dates or hitting up work happy hours) can offer emotional satisfaction.  

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Relationships with loved ones could be challenged while Venus retrogrades through your fourth house of family life from October 5 to 31. You’ll want to lean on a partner or significant other for support—through heart-to-hearts or just blowing off steam by having ridiculously wild sex—but you might feel like you’re speaking two different languages at times, especially once the love planet backs into your third house of communication from Halloween to November 16. You’ll do well to see this as an opportunity to refine how you talk about emotional situations. In fact, more productive communication is the theme all month. Around the October 8 new moon in that same zone, meditate on the ideal way to express your desires, and you could set an exciting new tone for relationships moving forward.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

While Mercury is in your third house of communication from October 9 to 31, the way you express yourself could take an intense, deep, and sexual turn (think writing erotica and/or sending steamy and secretive texts to a partner). Feel free to get all in your feelings to make the most of this sensual vibe. But heads-up that tensions could flare with your lover, friends, or other loved ones due to miscommunication, thanks to Venus’ retrograde in your communication zone from October 5 to 31.  Around October 24, when the full moon is in your ninth house of higher learning and philosophy, you may need to face a tough realization about your limitations in a relationship. It could be possible that focusing on your own self-love, self-care, and growth must take priority over a bolstering a shared connection right now.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Around October 8, when the new moon is in your sign, there’s no shame in feeling compelled to get dreamy and rock rose-colored glasses when considering your most romantic fantasies. Set intentions and let your imagination get carried away, but know that fulfillment may be delayed while your ruling planet Venus is retrograde in your second house of income from October 5 to 31 and then in your sign from October 31 to November 16. Carving out time to reflect on and reassess your own values and emotional needs should your number one to-do throughout the six-week transit. Around October 24, the full moon in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you could be tuning into your gut and reflecting on ways you can feel even more satisfied in your sex life. Own ‘em, and you’ll surely set off fireworks!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

While Venus is retrograde in your sign from October 5 to 31, and then in your twelfth house of spirituality from Halloween to November 16, you may very well find you’re feeling off, out-of-whack, and less than full-fledged sexy. Now’s the time to dive into whatever form of self-reflection calls most to you, be it talk therapy or journaling or meditation. The journey may not be easy, but you could come out of it stronger and feeling more captivating than ever.  Around October 15, Mercury pairs up with Venus retrograde in your sign, encouraging you to dig especially deep into your own psyche and needs. And around the October 24 full moon in your seventh house of partnership, you might feel like you’ve reached the end of a chapter with your significant other or a potential lover. Trust your heart and head to lead you to the natural next step.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Around October 8 when the new moon is in your eleventh house of networking, you could feel like the life of the party among friends and colleagues at impromptu or planned get-togethers. If you’re single, you could attract a lighthearted new connection. If you’re attached, this energy could remind your S.O. why they’re so wild about you and set a vibrant new tone in your relationship. On October 15 when Mercury pairs up with Venus retrograde in your twelfth house of spirituality, and throughout the duration of Venus’ retrograde in that zone from October 5 to 31, you’ll find yourself compelled to do some soul-searching. As tedious or emotionally challenging as it may feel in the moment, doing this work is sure to make your romantic connections even stronger in the long-haul.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Less than easygoing vibes with a casual romantic partner/friend with benefits could set you on-edge while Venus retrogrades through your eleventh house of networking from October 5 to 31. If you’re in a serious LTR, misunderstandings with colleagues could be at the crux of your stress. Doing your best to be open to sudden changes and flared tempers helps you cope. Around the October 24 full moon in your fifth house of romance, you’ll be compelled to get real with yourself and your lover about your romantic needs. Whether learning about your love language, exploring couples therapy, or doing partner yoga appeals, your efforts to put in the work—whatever that looks like—now are supported.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Around October 8, when the new moon is in your ninth house of adventure, give into the urge to indulge in wild, potentially unattainable fantasies you’d love to see become a reality. If it speaks to your heart and feels right in your gut, who’s to say you can’t make it happen? Just be sure to exercise patience, as Venus retrograde through your tenth house of reputation from October 5 to 31 has you reflecting on big-picture career moves, and its spin backward in your adventure zone from October 31 to November 16 may have you feeling especially adverse to being tied down. Around the October 24 full moon in your fourth house of home life, letting go of old grudges and healing emotional wounds could free up space in your heart that allows you to love even more deeply.  

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Around the October 8 new moon in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you might want to act on that racy fantasy that you can’t stop playing over and over again in your head. Being especially honest with yourself and your partner can lay the groundwork for an exciting experience now—or, even better, down the road. You may be focusing even more on tying up loose ends related to old relationship conflicts—in and well beyond the bedroom—thanks to Venus’ backward turn through your ninth house of philosophy from October 5 to 31 and eighth house of sexual intimacy from Halloween to November 16. Devoting time to self-reflection could provide clarity—and ultimately help deliver the real-life fairy tale you’ve had your heart set on forever.

Maressa Brown is a writer, editor, astrologer, and author of Centennial Presents’ 2018 Astrology Guide. Her work has appeared on/in various publications such as, The Washington Post,, and Women’s Health. Find more of her celestial insights and lifestyle features on Facebook @MaressaSBrown and on Twitter @MaressaSylvie. — editors

Photo: @dashapats via Twenty20

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