Your November Horoscope: It's All About Good Friends, Good Times, and Good Cheer!

By Ellen Ricks

On November 1, 2018

In Astrology

Your November Horoscope: It's All About Good Friends, Good Times, and Good Cheer!

Your November 2018 horoscopes have arrived and it’s gonna be an interesting month. Read up, and when you’re done, check out your November 2018 sex and love horoscope! It’s gonna be a wild month, but you’ve got this!

Aries (March 21–April 19)

As Scorpio enters your house this month, you may be feeling more energized than ever before. But this just regular energy that can be burned off at the gym, this is the time to take action in your life—get involved with a cause, learn something new, or start networking with that special brand of charm that is all Aries.  

As Jupiter enter Sagittarius on the 8th, this is the time to explore some previously unknown terrain—you will be pleasantly surprised.  

It’s decision time come the 11th and 12th, your attention has been all over the place, but this is the time to pick a lane and stick to it!  

It will be smooth sailing for the rest of the month as career, family, and love life will all fall into place; even Mercury going into retrograde on the 16th won’t touch you. This is the time to be more involved in family matters. These moments are special—live in it. The full moon in Gemini will wear you out, so have a self-care day on the 30th.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Have you been feeling restless Taurus? Getting a case of the winter blues? The new moon in Scorpio may have something to do with this. The cure to feeling sluggish and gloomy is to work it out. Lace up those sneakers and get into a great exercise routine. Whether it’s yoga or SoulCycle, getting your body going is the first step to getting into a good headspace.

On the 5th and 6th, you will be sorely tempted to go on a shopping spree. Hide your credit card! What you buy won’t turn out how you want it.  

Take a leap of faith on the 11th and 12th, your crazy plan just might work by the 16th and 17th. With Mercury in retrograde, anything is possible!  

By the full moon on the 23rd you will be very popular, everyone will want talk to you and be with you. Be quick with your replies and you will receive good news faster. Enjoy your time with your loved ones.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Romance is coming at you hot and heavy at the beginning of the month. The new moon will keep your phone filled with steamy texts and voicemails, ooh la la. You have this glow about you that lights up the room. Rock that outfits, try something new with your hair; it’s going to slay 

What’s gonna work? Teamwork! Remember that on the 8th when working as a group will become needed. As Jupiter enters Sagittarius, this will be time to expand projects with others. Be sensitive of everyone feelings, and remember that no one wants to feel left out.   

As Mars transits to Pisces, this is a good time are good days to look at your career: what are your goals? Do you have the job you want? What can you do more? Take charge of your destiny by Mercury retrograde on the 16th and the rest of the month will be smooth sailing.  

Stimulate your mind on the 23rd as the full moon enters your house. Get into intellectual conversations or read a book. You are the whole package, Gemini! Time to release your power!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The new moon will have you making compromises on some things. A key part of a relationship is learning to give and take. Just don’t give away too much. It’s okay to do your own thing occasionally; no one will love you less for it.   

Winter is coming, Cancer, so make sure to check up on your health on the 8th, as Jupiter moves to Sagittarius. It’s the perfect time to get that flu shot if you haven’t already. Also get ahead on prepping for winter: Put on those snow tires, get out the sweaters, and maybe stock up on sugar cookie ingredients.  

Romance comes to you as Mars enters Pisces on the 15th. This is the time for cuddling by the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate, and having a nice heart-to-heart conversation. These emotional conversations will work for the better.  

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Being the king of the jungle, you’ve always had a flair about you—duh! You’re truly the party animal and it’ll show when Jupiter enters Sagittarius on the 8th. You’re going to be looking fierce and feeling fine—the fun never stops with you. Just like another Leo, you’re “king of the world!”   

Remember this feeling because Mercury retrograde on the 15th is going to be dramatic. Things are going to get stormy with your relationships. Keep your ego in check and look inward; don’t lash out.  

 Things will still be tense by the 17, especially at work. Just do your best and stay calm. This is the perfect time for some soul-searching. Deep breaths; it’s all good!  

When the full moon is in Gemini on the 23rd, things will head back to normal. Don’t worry, good days are ahead!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The holidays are always a stressful time but, my perfectly organized Virgo, they hit you just a little harder. It doesn’t help that the new moon will be in Scorpio on the 8th, ugh! It’s okay if you don’t cook the perfect cake, or if your bread comes out a little burnt. No one will care. But please, for the love of stars, don’t buy another mixer!   

Don’t waste your time, energy, or money on anyone who isn’t invested in your life on the 16th. Mercury retrograde will shake things up in major ways so focus on what you can control. Work is your one true love and that committed relationship will pay off—and soon.  

Don’t worry, romance will come back to your life by the full moon on the 23rd. With the full moon in Gemini, you’ll get a flirty date or two. Can things be getting serious? Tune in next month to find out! 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You are fully embracing the season, Libra. You’re proof it’s never too late to go to the pumpkin patch or on a hay ride. You will cling to your pumpkin-spice latte with your last breath. And you feel great on the 1st of the month. The planets are heading north and you are full of smiles and songs. Remember this feeling.  

Sadly, the winter blues will get to you by the 15th as Mars transits Pisces. It’s the perfect time for some serious self care. A nice hot bath and some good music is the best medicine out there. Indulge in it.  

You’ve been treating romance as your highest priority lately, which has been fine, but life is about balance, and you know that better than anyone! Which is why the scales will tip in favor of business by the 23rd with the full moon. Focus on your work, and don’t worry, your love won’t slip away. It’s all about balance.  

Just stay focused and don’t get overwhelmed on the 30th. Remember to breathe, it’s all going to work out.  

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Decisions need to be made, Scorpio, and you have a thousand thoughts in your head! And of course, you want to do all of them. The new moon’s in your house and it’s time to take action. Decisions will be made quickly and good things will come your way.  

However, by the 10th, you want to sit down and think about those decisions when it comes to your relationship. It might feel good to act fast here, but it will burn you in the long run. Think it over!  

Your flexibly will be your strongest asset on the 16th, when Mercury comes into retrograde; you can handle anything that comes your way, just don’t get sassy about it! Everyone has their own stuff going on. It’s not always about you!  

You still have some hard decisions to make by the end of the month—you’ll make the right choices, just don’t rush it.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

“Make ‘em laugh, make ‘em laugh, don’t you know that the world loves to laugh!” That might feel like your theme song on the 1st. You’ll be having great times with your friends and family, and why shouldn’t you have a laugh? Positive things are coming your way as Jupiter makes its way into your house. It’s going to be a great time. No major life changes, just fun!  

However,  Mercury’s retrograde will make you feel a little drained. This is natural. Please take care of yourself, Sagittarius; it’s cold and flu season! A little self-care now will save you a week of a sore throat down the line. Thank me later.  

Don’t overthink things. The full moon is telling you to follow your heart and it will lead you to the right place. Take an impulse trip to the farmer’s market; buy a stand mixer; it’ll all be good. Just take a nap after.  

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You have a lot of ideas brewing in the ol’ Capricorn brain on the first, so don’t just let them sit there! Nurture your dreams, and breathe them into reality. Make plans, take action! You’ll find that the new moon in Scorpio will help your best ideas lead to big things.  

Things are going great for you by the 8th, and you can’t do wrong. Jupiter is entering Sagittarius and you feel great, look great, and you have the best group of friends a sign could ask for. Everything’s coming up roses! Life is anything but boring right now.  

By the end of the month you may have to make some compromises. Just like the full moon in Gemini, you are of two minds: Torn between going out and staying home. No one is trying to clip your wings, but it’s okay to just relax; you’ve earned it. Enjoy what you’re building.  

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Have you been feeling lonely Aquarius? A little out of touch? The new moon in Scorpio suggest that the cure for your loneliness is reconnecting with people from your past. How is your old college roommate? Have you called your sibling yet? It’s never too late to check up on someone, and you’ll be happy you did.   

By the 16th you’ll get the spirit of the season by giving a helping hand to those in need. Jupiter is moving in Sagittarius, and its expanding your compassion. You’ve always been a humanitarian, Aquarius, it’s just who you are—but you’ll be especially interested in helping out.

Keep an eye out for anything or anyone shady on the 30th, as things are going to get complicated. You’ll be very emotional during this time; with Mercury in retrograde, and that’s perfectly okay. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for how you feel. You’re stronger for your emotions.  

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Uh oh! Relationship troubles are on the horizon as the new moon enters Scorpio. It’s normal for relationships to have ups and downs so please don’t take it personally. You have a hard time with conflict, Pisces, but it’s not a personal attack on you. Things will turn back to normal soon.  

By the 15th Mars will be in your house, and you’ll be receiving wonderful news about money that will turn this month around. Take a moment to celebrate. You may feel overwhelmed, but it’s all for the best. Romances will be much sweeter during this time, enjoy! *wink* 

By the end of the month, Mercury’s retrograde will cause you to analyze your relationship. If it’s strong, no worries. If it isn’t, then bad news may be on the horizon.  

Photo: @foksia07 via Twenty20

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