This March New Moon Spell Will Unveil Your Hidden Desires

By Jess Wiggan

On March 5, 2019

In Astrology

This March New Moon Spell Will Unveil Your Hidden Desires

Your March 2019 new moon spell is here! Within everyone is a dream or a vision that seems impossible. That is, until it manifests and comes to life! This is what’s brewing in the stars for you at the timing of the Pisces new moon on March 6, 2019 at 8:04 am PT.

Pisces is the sign that rules what the rest of the world thinks cannot be done. It connects you immediately to purpose, miracles, and intuitive direction. More people find their true love, create masterpieces of art or music, or experience miracles connected to their destiny under the influence of Pisces than any other sign. For this March new moon, that’s what I see in the astrology charts!

Bigger Visions, Bigger Dreams

This March 2019 new moon in Pisces is connecting you instantly to this greater vision or dream that you’ve been feeling and sensing for yourself. Usually, this involves the areas of life that it rules—art, love, healing, spiritual development, and purpose—but it’s not limited to just that.

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Internally, you’ve been feeling a longing for something more profound for your life. This has been building in the cosmos for quite some time. With the alignment in the cosmos that this new moon in Pisces bring, the timing will be divine and perfect! Let’s break it down.

A Soft Beam of Support

Saturn (structure and stability) and Pluto (transformation and rebirth) have been moving so slowly through Capricorn. They’re breaking down outdated ways in your life, bonds that hold you back, and even toxic cling-ons in the form of people or circumstances. For the March new moon, Saturn sends a soft beam of support—just enough to create a solid foundation for you to regain your footing!

Read This Now: Drop the Baggage With the Help of the New Moon in Pisces

Without Saturn, the dream you’ve been sensing at the March new moon could never truly root or come to life. Apply the lessons Saturn has taught you over the last year to create a bulletproof plan of what you want and need. Next to Saturn is Pluto, and he’s ushering you through guided steps to what is ultimately positively fated for you in your chart. (He sits on the opposite of the north node in Cancer—the sign of emotional power, home, nurturing, and safety.

What’s Mercury’s Retrograde in Pisces Got to Do With It?

In the world of astrology, our eyes are watching Mercury (the planet of communication) who is retrograde at the time of the new moon. Many people find his retrograde period annoying because he (Mercury) is asking you to slow down and be conscious of your words and the things that you agree too. He also works to revamp plans he knows later will not serve a positive purpose for your life. When you see it from Mercury’s perspective, you’ll see how much he’s protecting you—and that’s something to be grateful for, not irritated with. This is the same energy he brings to this March new moon!

Read This Now: Horoscopes to Get You Through Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

Mercury is asking you to slow down. He wants you to check and double check your emails and be open to his revisions for your life. He is bringing back to you opportunities that you would have missed, or at least the option to reconnect with people (or things) of the past that you might want to bring back to your life. Things that could pop up now could include soulmate connections that are intertwined from past lives, neglected creative ideas, and/or inspiration and messages that you’ve long forgotten. All of this happens because of the magic of the Pisces new moon!

A Whole New World

Jupiter (planet of abundance and expansion) also plays a strong role in this energy. Jupiter has been moving through Sagittarius and showing you a whole new world to explore and discover! You may have been learning about your spiritual self and journey, connecting with people of other cultures and places, or even have started new research or studies!

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For the Pisces new moon, he will send a surge of good feelings that will push you need to believe that anything can happen for you. An important seed is waiting to be placed and it will unfold miracles in your life in the weeks, months, and years to come! Opportunities to travel, deepen your spiritual practice, or incredible strokes of luck are triggered at the March new moon.

Your intuition and sensitivities will be heightened during this time, but this is the universe’s way of speaking to you and guiding you to really feel what’s good for you. Because Pisces connects to miracles, you will need to be open to the idea of what you think (or whatever you may think!) is impossible. The universe can see the bigger picture and will send you downloads of intuitive information through signs and feelings. Take these seriously and respond. Use mediation to instantly connect with these downloads of information—it can guide you to the magic of what the Pisces new moon is working to bring!

~*~How to Make a Quick and Easy Lucid Dream Mojo Bag~*~

Mojo bags are easy ways to carry or hold energy in one spot. Pisces rules the subconscious, which can be observed through our dream state. For this lunar magick ritual, we will create a lucid dream mojo bag to tap into the full potential of Pisces energy.

What You Need

  1. Jasmine
  2. Mugwort
  3. Lavender
  4. Crushed bay leaves
  5. Quartz Crystal
  6. Small sachet, pouch, or tiny pillow that you can easily sew together using white or purple fabric.

What You Do

  1. On the night of the March new moon, meditate on what you want.
  2. Then, blend the herbs into your sachet, pouch, or fabric pillow.
  3. Hold the crystal in your hand and set the intention for blessing, protection, and guidance while you welcome in lucid or prophetic dreams. Stay open with your intention and don’t limit the crystal to the positive messages that it’ll bring into your life.
  4. Add the crystal to the pouch and place under your pillow.
  5. Before you fall asleep ask your angels and guides from the Highest lights of the universe to work with you to deliver messages you need to hear while you sleep. If there is something specific you want to know or hear feel free to ask for it.
  6. Document the details of your dreams upon waking in your dream journal.

Jessica Wiggan is the creator of BehatiLife, an online apothecary selling custom, hand-crafted magical blends. Jessica is available for tarot and astrology readings, and also runs an online Tarot school.

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