New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini Horoscopes

By Nina Kahn

On June 9, 2021

In Astrology

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini Horoscopes

With eclipse season upon us, we’re in the midst of some serious shifts—and the new moon solar eclipse in Gemini (on Thursday, June 10 at 3:53am PT) is no exception. As the first solar eclipse of the year, this lunation will challenge the way we think and ultimately shake some sense into our future plans.

The airy and mutable Gemini energy of this new moon puts an emphasis on logical communication. But thanks to the new moon solar eclipse, it’s best to do more listening than talking. A currently retrograding Mercury (planet of thinking) aligns with the sun and moon in Gemini—causing the retrograde mental mix-ups to bleed into our emotional life.

This collective lineup could prompt some rude awakenings and abrupt resets, so pay close attention to the events that are unfolding and take some notes to reference when the eclipse dust settles.

The new moon solar eclipse also squares off with Neptune (planet of illusions). This tough aspect activates Neptune’s shadow side, which brings potential for delusion and deception. It’s an especially challenging combo when mixed with the effects of change-making eclipse season and confusing Mercury retrograde. Logic could conflict with intuition, making it difficult to know exactly how to move forward or what instincts to trust. Under this astro weather, it’s imperative that we sit back and listen to what the universe is trying to tell us before acting on anything.

Every planet in our solar system will feel some level of cosmic drama during this eclipse, so tensions are high both personally and collectively. Just remember that true communication is more than just the words we say—it’s about giving and receiving. And this eclipse will reshape the way we listen to, observe, and process information from the world around us. 

Your Zodiac Sign’s New Moon Solar Eclipse Horoscope


You may feel inclined to share your every thought right now, Aries, but resist the temptation. Innocent speculation can easily become gossip and idle chit-chat can spiral into regrettable oversharing—so you could end up talking your way into a tough situation. Instead, lean into your listening skills and practice mindfully (and quietly) taking in your surroundings.


If you’ve been ignoring bills, business matters, or the numbers in your bank account, this new moon is asking you to snap out of the haze and turn things around. Thanks to the eclipse hitting your second house of wealth and resources, some changes could be taking place in your financial life now. Take stock of what you’ve got and make a plan for future savings, Taurus.


This eclipse is a glitter-bomb of change, confusion, and sudden opportunities—but thankfully, Gemini, you thrive in chaos. New roads are materializing in front of you and fresh ideas are filling your head… but approach these new beginnings slowly and cautiously. Once your ruling planet, Mercury, ends its retrograde, you’ll be able to charge forward with much more confidence.


Sometimes, change rocks our world in an obvious way. But shifts can also take place on an energetic level that have to be felt rather than observed. Such is the case with this eclipse in your ethereal twelfth house, Cancer, which will hit you, swifty but subtly. Like a dream full of cryptic symbols and powerful emotions, it’ll be up to you to put the puzzle pieces together.


Your creative visions are meant to be shared with others, Leo; this eclipse is bringing out your collaborative and group-oriented side. But before you can tap into the power of your community, you may have to clear up some drama with your social crew. Address misunderstandings and issues in your friendships now, before they grow into something unmanageable.


With the eclipse in your house of public image, Virgo, you may find that you’re reimagining your professional goals or catching glimmers of a potential new trajectory. However, with your ruling planet Mercury still retrograding, there may be some messes in your work life to untangle first. Don’t be afraid to walk through a different career doorway once you tie up these loose ends.


It’s easy to look off into the horizon and imagine what mysteries lie beyond your current scope. But under this new moon, Libra, you will be asked to spread your wings and fly into that sunset. Setting off on a new journey means facing new obstacles, so don’t be discouraged by a shaky start. Trust that the risks are worth the reward and that challenges will lead to growth.


The underbelly of many complex relationships are a murky sea of secret sentiments and emotional skeletons—and this new moon asks you to dive into these cavernous depths. Hidden feelings and unspoken desires could be put into words, asking you to be fully real and vulnerable. Don’t be afraid to shed that exoskeleton and bare your soul, dear Scorpion.


You’re busy trying to make heads or tails of the hand you’ve been dealt recently, Sagittarius, but this new moon will force you to focus on the other players in your game. Revelations within your closest relationships could change the dynamics and shake up what you thought you knew. You’ll need to speak your truth with clarity but listen keenly to what your partners have to say.


Is there a Mercury-retrograde-induced wrench in your schedule, Capricorn? Or is the current chaos in your daily routine a cosmic sign that it’s time to find a new way of managing things? This lunation offers you a chance to conceptualize a fresh strategy when it comes to your work, your wellness, and everything in between. Be willing to wipe the slate clean and build from the ground up.


It’s frustrating when things aren’t flowing the way we’d hoped. But remember, Aquarius, inspiration often strikes when we least expect it. While current passion projects and romantic conquests might seem to be at a standstill, the universe is now moving and shaking things in a way that will open up new opportunities. Keep following your heart, even if the road is winding.


This eclipse is hitting the sensitive home and family sector of your chart, Pisces, and it might feel like your foundations are shifting beneath your feet. These changes are making you stronger at a core level. You’re learning new ways to relate to your past, build a sense of security, and embrace your truth.

Lead photo courtesy of @holistic_astrology

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