This February New Moon Spell Will Unleash Your Magical Creativity

By Jess Wiggan

On February 4, 2019

In Astrology

This February New Moon Spell Will Unleash Your Magical Creativity

It’s time for our February 2019 new moon in Aquarius spell! On February 4, 2019 at 1:03 p.m. P.T. we will fall under the spell of the new moon in Aquarius! This February new moon will make you itch for independence — to find and travel towards places that tug at your curiosity, and to find a deeper connection with all mankind. Aquarius energy is always thinking about the greater good!

A quieter new moon

This February 2019 new moon will work its magick in subtle and not so obvious ways. That’s because Mercury is moving through Aquarius at the time of the February new moon. New moons are notoriously quieter times — not as obvious and loud as full moons can be! — so the changes that it stirs are typically found beneath the surface. It will help you see where you need to plant seeds of intention, and figure out what doors are opening up for you. You’ll need to watch where your mind wanders, and where your thoughts and conversation begins to flow. What’s enticing and intriguing to you now?

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With the emphasis on Aquarius — the sign of the eccentric — you’ll be guided to do things in a totally new way. This is the cosmos way of keeping your life filled with fresh energy. Further, stepping outside of your day-to-day routine will present you with new perspectives and connect you with new, important people. Because Aquarius is so openminded, it can bring in people from different cultures, places, and lifestyles through unique friendships and connections. This can only happen, however, after you decide to step out of your comfort zone. You must try new things, read new literature, study new topics, and be open to these exciting new connections!

A feel-good energy

The February new moon in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter — the planet of abundance, growth, and knowledge. This creates a friendly energy that lifts this new moon with positivity and potential. Many people will be signing up for new classes and even traveling. It’s like the cosmos are smiling and laughing because they’re in a good mood — something you will feel too! Focus on the positive — what you would want your life to look and feel like? Where do you want to go? You need to set those intentions now!

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Get out of your comfort zone

Just a few days before the February new moon, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, attraction, and even money, moves into solid-security-providing Capricorn! This creates an extra safety net for you as you step out and explore. It seems finances will be protected and even benefit from connections you make during this moon. Be open to attracting income from interesting avenues that are exciting and innovative. You may receive ideas from the universe because Mercury is moving through Aquarius quickly and thinking outside the box. The ideas that will flow in and the conversations that you have will create solid foundations for your relationships and moneymaking potential.

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Lastly, Mars, the planet of action, is still moving strongly through the sign of Aries, and he’s sending his support over to this moon. Mars is about what we can do and how we can do it. You will need to be fearless and bold — don’t worry, it’s totally worth it!

Automatic Writing Ritual

What exciting adventures is the universe brewing up for you? This Aquarius new moon is perfect for using automatic writing to connect with Spirit and your guides.

What You’ll Need:

  1. Paper
  2. Pen

What You’ll Do:

  1. Visualize a ring of fragrant flowers around you. Lilies, peonies, and white roses are great choices, but if there is something specific you love, choose that. These flowers are gifts from the Divine/Universe and will serve to protect you. Breathe in the scent of the flowers as you calm and center yourself.
  2. Ask you ancestors, guides, angels or the Divine to come to you during your meditation and ritual.
  3. With one hand holding your ink pen above the paper allow the messages to flow from spirit to paper without you trying to nudge or understand what is being written. You might find yourself drawing, writing symbols, or even numbers. Either way, allow it to flow. You’ll have a chance to examine it later.
  4. When your hand finally calms down, thank your guides for helping you and providing insight for you in that moment.
  5. Close out the circle by dismissing them with love and light.
  6. Take some time to research the symbols and words that came through.

Read This Now: 11 Things You Should (and Shouldn’t!) Do During a New Moon

Jessica Wiggan is the creator of BehatiLife, an online apothecary selling custom, hand-crafted magical blends. Jessica is available for tarot and astrology readings, and also runs an online Tarot school.

Photo: @pixie_pixelz via Twenty20

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