Your Weekly Horoscope: It's a Week of Big Ideas and Even Bigger Business


On December 9, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: It's a Week of Big Ideas and Even Bigger Business

December 10 – December 16, 2018

The sun continues its journey through Sagittarius along with jovial Jupiter. Chatty Mercury moves into this same sign midweek on Wednesday, encouraging big ideas, as well as attention to detail. Conversations could be very lively but also rather blunt and honest – perhaps too much so at times.

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Over the weekend, sweet Venus makes a positive aspect with cautious Saturn, encouraging restraint. People may be more frugal with their money and more conservative about sharing feelings. This can be an excellent influence for business affairs, however. And on Sunday, feisty Mars in Pisces aligns with potent Pluto, which could see intuition and instinct guiding certain moves. If something feels right, it probably is.

Both these aspects could make the end of the week rather intense. However, this can be offset by getting out and about and visiting a beautiful and inspiring place. Exploring a subject of interest can be a restorative, too.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

You’re in the mood for something new, and with inquisitive Mercury moving into your sector of far horizons midweek, you’ll be even more curious about the possibilities open to you. Is it holiday travel you’re amped up for, or something else? You’re also interested in learning something new, and should invest in that — perhaps in the form of an online class? The end of the week will get more intense, with some decisions to make. Focus up! Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

You’re ready to make your money grow, and investing might be a good idea. And with a major emphasis on your sector of shared assets, transformation, rebirth, and intimacy, the coming weeks and months could be quite a ride! You’re ready to release what’s help you back, and you might be better served by seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor. The weekend will be a little more serious and you should focus up and make decisions in regards to relationships and business affairs. Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

With Mercury, your guardian planet, moving into your sector of relating on Wednesday, you could be enjoying tons of great company. You’ll be star of the show and the most popular guest! Mars is also continuing its journey through your sector of goals and ambitions, it’s a good time to get all your priorities in order. Over the weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to set things straight regarding a business issue or money matter. Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Sure, you have a lot of chores on your plate, but they’re not that bad. You might even have some fun with them? Your to do list is long, but with Mercury moving in to this same sector midweek, it’s a good idea to delegate. People want to help you. Get organizes this weekend, especially if you’re holding or helping to plan an event. Stay focused, and get a bunch of work done. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

With Mars continuing its journey through a more sensitive sector of your chart, you might have a very clear idea about how to resolve a money issue or something else important. Find your way through it and enjoy a positive outcome. With a lively focus on leisure, creativity, and romance, you will be filled with happiness and joy. If you’re single, someone special might be heading your way. Focus up on the weekend, as it’s time to prepare and organize. Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Home and family are very important at the start of the week, and you’ll enjoy hosting holiday events at your place. It might be a lot of work, but it’ll be worth it. Relationships could demand more time and attention, too, but as Mars continues through your sector of relating, you’ll find it easier to set boundaries. You might have a fancy event this weekend — go to it and an encounter could lead to a great new friendship. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

It’s a busy start to the week, Libra! It’s OK, you can get through it, and you might even find you make some good connections or find out some useful information. And with Mercury entering your sector of communication midweek, there could be more short journeys, forms to fill out, and plans to make. You’re gonna feel so accomplished at the end of the week! The weekend might bring some fancy plans — perhaps a party at your place? It’ll be a fun way to unwind! Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Mercury moves into your money zone midweek, so you might need to make a deal with someone. Whether it’s business or pleasure, look for a good price and stay within your spending limit. You can do it, Scorpio! Also, if you’re looking to invest your money — whether it be an actual financial investment or in yourself in the form of a new skill — it’s a good time to do so. Over the weekend, Venus in your sign forges a positive angle with Saturn in your sector of communication, and someone you know more formally may become a closer friend. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

It’s a big week! Opportunities to focus on plans and relationships that are meaningful to you present themself, and it’s also a great time to start something new. Everything’s coming up, Sagittarius! And with Mars moving through your home and family sector and angling toward powerful Pluto in your money zone this week, you might find yourself ready to organize your household finances and save some money. Over the weekend, you might feel weird about spending money on something you need. If you can afford it, go for it, and don’t let yourself feel bad about it! Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

You’re feeling very generous earlier in the week and want to help out with a charitable event. Or perhaps you can use some alone time. There’s also a strong spiritual focus showing up in your chart and you might want to take a retreat or just focus up on yourself, spiritually. Despite that, you have a lot of everyday stuff to content with — chores, tasks, etc. It’s OK, you can totally do it all! A fancier event this weekend could be fun and introduce you to new opportunities! Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

You’re in demand lately, Aquarius! Invest in organizing and helping at events, and remember that the more you give, the more you get. So go all out! And if you’re looking for love, you’re gonna be great at dates this week. And if you’re in a relationship, perhaps some new friends will come into your life. As Mars continues its journey through your money zone, you’ll want to put the breaks on spending, or at least think things through. Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

With an upbeat emphasis on your sector of goals and responsibility, you might be in the limelight this week! Get used to it, because you might be shining for awhile. You’ve got big ideas, but perhaps it’s better to think small and grow into it. Mars continues in your sign, and at the end of the week, it also ties in with powerful Pluto in your social zone, you might want to go to an event. It’ll pay off, perhaps in the form of a new friend or connection. Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @jvsse via Twenty20


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