Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, March 7

By Horoscope.com

On March 7, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, March 7

A host of planetary aspects, plus a Sagittarius moon, make a delightful day. Mercury and Venus in Aries is the breath of fresh air you may not have even realized you needed all winter, and communication flows—things just work, after a frustrating start to the week with many fits, starts, and false starts. Pluto, too, can help create a calming force today, as the planet is in quintile with Mercury, giving us the skills needed to get down to business. Here, what else to expect for all star signs for Wednesday, March 7. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Jupiter goes retrograde tomorrow, and you may be feeling the beginning of its expansive effects, particularly when it comes to forging new territory or ground. Doing the same old thing for a little longer may teach you new lessons. Follow the path of least resistance. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Keep today open, as things will end up filling in the cracks, and a wide open schedule will be a lot easier to navigate than one already filled to bursting. Today is all about the last-minute plans, and the more you go with the flow, the better it is for everyone.

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
You’ve been so bogged down in the day to day, but you finally have a breakthrough that lets you focus on your big goals and dreams. You can make them a reality in the next few months, and making a little move—like starting a bullet journal—can help put you on the right track. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
You may feel impulsive. This is good! You’re brave, you’re bold, and you know what you want, and you know the steps you take to get it. So should you hold back? The universe says caution and baby steps are your best option. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
Mercury and Venus inspire you to think farther ahead—and farther afield—than what’s immediately in front of you. Summer is just around the corner, why not plan a trip of a lifetime? Doing so can also encourage you to buckle down on your savings strategy. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
This week can be stressful, but you’re making pretty big strides in getting to where you want to be. You may realize the things you feared weren’t that scary after all, and it’s the rolling stone theory of action: The more you do, the more motivated you’ll be to get things (even scary things!) done. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
This is a great day for collaborations, both now and for the future. You’ve been going alone a long time, either personally or professionally, and you may think it’s easier to just do things on your own. But the stars say that today is a great day to find someone who’s not only on the same page as you, but who can bring you to the next level. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day to switch up your daily routine, and it doesn’t need to be deep or dramatic. A different route to work, a new coffee shop, or a new place to hang out with coworkers after work can truly give you a new perspective on life that you’ve been missing. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Expect the unexpected, Sags! Be open to all opportunities, and it may require you to look up from your smartphone and actually talk to strangers around you. Don’t be a slave to your schedule; the more open you are, and the more you follow where your gut leads you, the better for you. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Your home zone is in focus today, and small changes make a huge difference. Even if you’re just in a temporary pad, reclaim it and make it yours. It’s especially helpful to carve out your own space; you need a room of your own, Caps! 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Let your voice be heard, Aquarius! You’re on fire today, and today is a great day to go back to a message that may have been lost a few months ago. You may find it to be a great day to speak up about issues of social injustice; use your platform for good. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Be careful with your money today, especially before Jupiter goes retrograde. Don’t pay for anything unless you have the funds; putting things on credit cards may be a risky proposition today. 

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