Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, February 13

By Horoscope.com

On February 13, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, February 13

Squares between various planets can create some drama today. Stick to the facts, and try to avoid gossip if at all possible. You may still get caught up in a sticky situation, and your best defense is: Less is more. A square between Mercury and Jupiter can make you say things that lead others astray, even if your intentions are honest. To make a long story short: Double-check everything you hear, and if you’re not 100% sure of what you’re saying, better to let people know that your word is based on speculation, not fact. The moon shifts into Aquarius later in the afternoon, shifting your perspective to an anything is possible one. Here, what all star signs can expect today, Tuesday, February 13. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Mercury and Jupiter connect and suggest you think outside the box for Valentine’s Day plans. You’re an individual, and you don’t go with the flow. So maximize those traits. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but whatever you do—if it’s from the heart, the gesture will be well received. Single? Do you this week. Woo yourself, and the partner will come. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
You’re pulled between two decisions, and may have a tough time landing on the best course of action. What if both paths were equally good? Shifting your perspective to this one may help you suss out which one is the best path for you. Avoid indecision, which will only lead to missing both opportunities. Pick a path and full speed ahead! 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
You may be going full speed ahead on an opportunity, but you may be having doubts. Venus and Saturn say to listen to your intuition. Nothing is set in stone; there’s still time to change course. For today, allow yourself to wonder what if. What if you decide to try a different path or approach? It may be the best choice. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Oh man, you may be asking the universe when you’re getting a break. And the answer is soon. But the universe also recommends fully leaning into the pain, feeling your emotions and fears and questions and doubts. Ignoring them won’t make them go away. You could never be too emotional, Cancer, and those who say so just don’t deserve the privilege of being in your company. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
Messenger Mercury urges you to keep your ears open, you may hear some key information that would help you with a personal or professional pursuit. Because messages can be mixed today, it’s important for you to not necessarily act on what you hear, but file it away, the pieces will all sink into place later this week. And even though you may benefit from gossip, keep your own lips tightly zipped, as anything you reveal could come back to haunt you. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
The sun aligns with Uranus, and it’s the equivalent of someone opening the window and letting the light in. You’re feeling excited about new opportunities, and this energy can serve you well. The key is to do something. Even two minutes of work or forward motion is what you need to get the ball rolling. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
Today is a day when networking can inspire you to go to the next level in work. You may not even need to work with someone directly to be inspired. People on your social media feed also may play a key role in helping you get ready for the next step in your professional life.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Mercury and Jupiter shine on your home zone, and you may find a creative solution to a problem (either a physical one or a communication one) that’s been bothering you for awhile. Take the lead and take initiative this week—the problem will go away much sooner than you think as soon as you take action. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You have some grand plans, but cautious Saturn suggests running them by someone else, especially if they’re out of the box or risky. Your intuition and instincts don’t serve you wrong, but getting some outside input could change the situation from good to great. In other words, so worth it. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
The solar eclipse will occur in your financial sector, and that’s good news. Don’t spend money you don’t have, but the steps you take this week to make more money should pay off in due course. It’s smart this week, though, to play your finances close to the belt. Budgeting and getting your money organized is key for when money may roll in. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Today is a day when you may not know who’s listening. For sensitive matters, it’s best to keep things to yourself, even if you’re dying to spill your thoughts. Gossip could come back to bite you. If you must talk about sensitive information, stick to conversations over the phone or in real life—avoid text or email, it’s one of those days where you will send the information to the wrong person. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Your friendships are becoming more intense, and you may be surprised to find a romantic opportunity in your social circle. You also feel a bit on a more spiritual plane than you’ve been in awhile, and the shift feels good. This is a week to feel your way through; your instincts can lead you. Your heart knows more than your head. 

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