Daily Horoscope for Friday, March 2

By Horoscope.com

On March 2, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Daily Horoscope for Friday, March 2

Today is a solid day of getting things done, understanding our emotions, and otherwise cruising toward the weekend. The Virgo full moon yesterday was practical, allowing us to dot i’s, cross t’s, and otherwise get sh*t done. And today, the Virgo moon continues to inspire us to work hard, push ourselves, and get ready for the weekend. A Mercury-Jupiter trine lends a lovely aspect to the day; we see and expect the best in everyone. Here, what else to expect for all star signs for Friday, March 2. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
A full moon is pulling you in two directions. What do you want to do? Try to think the big picture—choosing the “not fun” option may pay off a lot more than shirking responsibility and doing the fun option. Also, real talk: You can’t do both. Trying will just stress you out and leave you and your companions frustrated. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Venus and Jupiter form a lovely aspect, and life is fun, fun, fun. Too much fun? Maybe. It’s important to make sure you account for your responsibilities, and you may need to hold yourself back from some engagements. Saying no can make the stuff you say yes to that much sweeter. Seriously! 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
You’ve had a run of good luck, and it’s time to continue the streak. You may need favors from friends — reach out and offer to return the favor. Right now, the larger your circle, the better. You have plenty of people who have your back and want to help, the trick is reaching out and asking for what you need. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Magical Neptune casts a spell on you, Cancer. But you’re pulling yourself back down to earth, laser focused on your to-do lists and tasks. But guess what? Things truly can wait. Truly. You know what needs to get done, but beyond that, stop making excuses and succumb to the magic of the day. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
The sun moves close to Neptune in the upcoming days, which is a sign to make sure you get a little more detail-oriented than you may have been. Maybe a boss will look over your shoulder, maybe people will get into details about white lies you told, but whatever the situation is, make sure to stay on top or ahead of a brewing situation. Chances are, you know exactly what it is but have been trying to ignore it. Just deal with it. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
A welcome person from the past comes into your life today. Beyond catching up, they may have a larger message for you. Pay attention to the cues you’re picking up on. If you feel an urge to ask an out of the ordinary question that may be deeper than usual, do so. Your intuition, aided by the Virgo full moon, is strong today. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
It’s a lovely day, Libra! A trifecta of planets, including Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus, conspire to make this one of those feel good days where everything is going your way. You may feel like today “should” be harder. But why? Float along with the Friday energy and enjoy—you’ve earned it! 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Today continues to be a day to go deep with other people. You’re not one for small talk, and today, you’re feeling especially bold to ask the big questions. Follow your gut. Talking about beliefs or fears is a whole lot more interesting than talking about the weather. Be bold, be fearless, be vulnerable, be you, and you’ll be rewarded with a convo you won’t soon forget. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Family matters may be pressing, and Jupiter can help guide you to a resolution, but you may need to be a little more hands-on or direct than you’re used to. Whatever issue comes up isn’t going away on its’ own, so tackling the issue head on is the order of the day. You’ll feel so much better when you do.  

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Do you have a secret, Caps? Thought so. What’s making you keep it to yourself? Today is a prime day to share it, especially if it’s good news. And don’t worry about the info being “too much” for someone if it’s a complicated topic. You need support in your corner, and you may be surprised at just how ready people are to offer it. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
A conversation that seems like NBD may have serious implications. Today is a day to make sure you say what you mean; a flippant comment could be taken out od context, leading to some sorting out. Saying less is better than saying more, especially when it comes to what you can promise. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Your intuition guides you, but it may be pushing you in a direction counter to the one your friends or colleagues are going. You can get stuck going in circles if you try to explain yourself, so don’t. No one needs any explanation, you just need to trust your gut and flow!

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Read yesterday’s horoscope here. 

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