August 2020 Full Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes

By Laura Brown

On August 3, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

August 2020 Full Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes

The August full moon in the sign of Aquarius peaks on Monday, August 3, at 8:59 am PT. There is a lot of conflicting energy with this transit, so buckle up. We’ve got a bumpy ride ahead of us!

This Aquarian full moon makes us feel incredibly hungry for freedom, both physically and emotionally. We don’t want any limitations or any sort of responsibilities put on our plate, and if someone dares try, our reaction is likely going to be a little snippy. (Think: a three-year-old being told “no” to buying a piece of candy.)

While we may all still be in detachment mode, we’re still being called to work with this time wisely. What do we want? What are we going after? What is it that we are calling forth into our lives? We seek to figure ourselves out, not just play.

However, there are several additional transits with this full moon that might make this a little more potent. We’re still dealing with Pluto (planet of transformation), Saturn (planet of responsibility), and Jupiter (planet of opportunity)—all nuzzling up to this full moon in the fifth house. This encouraging us to get moving on pushing out the old and start exploring the new.

We also have the moon square Uranus (planet of individuality), which is going to make us super rebellious and push back even harder on anyone who tries to tell us what we “need” to do. If you’re feeling a little impulsive, you can blame this transit as well. Just make sure any decisions you make are ones you can live with.

Finally, Mercury (planet of communication) in opposition to Saturn will ask us to address the areas of our life where we’ve been neglectful. Have we left bae hanging by a thread lately? Have we been doing more playing than working while most of us still are working from home? It’s time to really think about what you’ve been neglecting. But just think for right now. The time for making any serious moves or decisions is a big no-no with this crazy, wild ride of a full moon.

Let’s take a peek at how your sign will be impacted by this full moon.

How the Aquarius Full Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

full moon

Courtesy of @ivybeckervisuals


One moment you’re a little social butterfly, Aries, and the next you’re pushing everyone away like they’ve just done the most offensive thing you could imagine. You really dislike being alone and yet you can’t make up your mind if you want to party or if it’s time for Netflix-and-chilling. How about a middle ground? With this full moon taking place in your eleventh house, how about you get social online and Netflix-and-chill. That way you’ll have your cake and get to eat it too.


You may be feeling a little impulsive when it comes to your career, Taurus, which is ironic because the words impulsive and Taurus seldom work together. You’re feeling that rebellious energy. You’re feeling called to take ownership of something and to hell with what others have to say about it. Just be careful that you don’t take it too far and end up ticking off the wrong person.


With the full moon taking place in your ninth house, Gemini, you’re feeling the need for speed, and whether it be by plane, train, or automobile, you are ready to get out of here. The unfortunate thing is that travel, at least very far, may not exactly be possible. Not to mention that you really don’t even know where you want to go. Perhaps think about it a moment before making an impulsive decision that puts a large dent in your wallet.


Oh, sweet Cancer. I feel for those who are close to you with this full moon taking place in your eight house. All of your feelings are rising to the surface, and the truth is, you’re not really here for it. You are definitely pushing back against what’s coming up which only makes its resistance tougher. If I can offer one piece of advice, try not to bite too many heads off of those around you.


You’re off, then on, and then off again, Leo. And part of me thinks you may actually like it a little bit. It’s a bit of an emotional roller coaster that gives you those peaks and valleys that make your tummy drop. With the full moon in Aquarius however, you could be in another off period, and while I’m sure it won’t be for long, the least you could do is try to think about this pattern and what it’s really serving for you.


Virgo, it’s time for you to get physical. And really I don’t care if it’s in the bedroom, the boardroom, or the gym. But it’s time for you to take a look around you and examine where you’ve been the most neglectful. The Aquarian full moon is going down in your sixth house of wellness which means it’s time for you to start paying attention to those areas that have been left collecting dust.


Now would not be a great time to post anything super personal on social media. In fact, Libra, this would not exactly be a great time for sharing much of anything personal, even with those super close to you. With the full moon taking place in your fifth house of expression, you will send mixed messages and potentially let something slip that you are not able to back up. This energy is just a little too spikey for you to let anything loose that you may later regret.


What you’ll crave most with this full moon in your fourth house, Scorpio, is just some good, old fashion time alone. You’re tired of dealing with other people and instead just want to disconnect entirely. With the full moon taking place in your fourth house, home is definitely where your heart is. It’s also where you can do your best decompressing since you’re feeling even moodier than normal.


You’re going to feel quite compelled to say it like you mean it with the full moon taking place in your communication zone, Sagittarius. These may be things that you’ve had brewing inside for a long time. Instead of rebelling against the curve and trying to resist, as you have for quite some time, you’re just letting it out. And I’m going to guess that it’s going to feel good enough for you to wonder why it took so long to say it loud and clear sooner.


You’re a little all over the place, Capricorn. With the full moon in Aquarius in your second house of worth and value, you’re feeling simultaneously proud of what you’ve attained and yet worried about what the future holds. There’s been a lot of change that’s taken place in a relatively short amount of time and you don’t exactly handle change well. Rather than get nervous, know that you’re bringing in some really major energy that will help amplify your bottom line, not lower it.


A full moon in your sign with this chaotic cosmic energy may not be ideal, but you can still make the best of it, if you try, Aquarius. This would be a good time to take a little time away all on your own. Get an Airbnb and carve time out to do your own thing. Contemplate what freedom means to you, but also consider what changes you want to make in your life. What have you been leaving unappreciated, and what changes are you prepared to make?


The twelfth house is perfect for you, Pisces. Here the mysteries get revealed, the intuition is dialed high, and your more introverted, hermit-mode makes you primed to avoid all the drama that is going down in the cosmic sphere. Instead, you can spend some time in meditation, or pulling out your Tarot cards to see what type of changes are ahead of you. This alone time is exactly what you need and it’s a good buffer from all that’s going on outside.

Lead photo courtesy of @ivybeckervisuals

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