Your August Horoscope: Things Are About to Get Hot, Hot, Hot


On July 30, 2018

In Astrology

Your August Horoscope: Things Are About to Get Hot, Hot, Hot

Here are your horoscopes for August 2018! Read up, and then go forth and conquer the summer! You’ve got this.


August 1 tarts off with a Mars-Uranus square. Control your temper, and let any bangs be good. Romance could peak on August 7 as Venus trines Mars. What happens now could be made to last.

The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the eleventh presents tempting but risky opportunities. Loosen your death grip on controlling everything and cautiously indulge in a fantasy. Find a new passion with money potential. Resist any knee-jerk reactions. Mars enters Capricorn the next day, and there’s more energy for work.

Mercury goes direct on August 18, so a stalled project or relationship should move forward soon.

On the twenty-sixth, the full moon is a very private but perhaps not quiet time. If people buzz around you, let them buzz. Reserve extra dreamy personal downtime, perhaps with one or two intimate favorite people. Mars goes direct the next day, having been retrograde since June 26. Get those afterburners ready.

Standout days: 5, 23, 28
Challenging days: 3, 16


The moon-Venus trine on August 5 can soften an awkward situation and lead to more romance when Venus trines Mars on August 7. Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus that day, too. What you say may not be what is heard.

Home life gets dicey with the new moon (and solar eclipse) on the eleventh. Too much of a good thing might create a problem or disagreement later.

On August 18, retrograde Mercury sextiles Venus. Get a deeper look into an artistic or romantic matter. Mercury goes direct that night. What you learn from the sextile will be useful soon.

The full moon on the twenty-sixth brings good luck in a financial matter and maybe some unexpected income opportunities. Get plugged into a more upscale network now. Venus squares Pluto that day, too. It’s not a good time to push intimacy. Mars goes direct the next day, and some people may have trouble hearing no.

Standout days: 5, 14, 25
Challenging days: 1, 30


The sun conjoins retrograde Mercury on August 8 and empowers your intuition and insights. See an issue – or a person – in a new light. Life in the hood heats up with the new moon (and solar eclipse) on August 11, and the background chatter could get painful. Pick what you want to do with whom and don’t get too scattered.

On the eighteenth, Mercury retrograde sextiles Venus, and twelve hours later Mercury goes direct. Listen closely and pay attention to what a loved one is showing you.

The full moon on August 26 might put you in the spotlight socially or at work. What seems like a random act of kindness today will be remembered and rewarded later. The next day, Mars goes direct after having been retrograde since April 26. Don’t be in a rush to do or decide anything important, though. Mercury squares Jupiter now. Give yourself time.

Standout days: 7, 14, 29
Challenging days: 4, 10


August 7 could be a romantic day rich in flirting, surprises, and misunderstandings. Uranus goes stationary retrograde, Venus and Mars form a trine, and the moon enters Cancer. The next day may be more pleasant if you don’t overthink things. The sun conjoins Mercury retrograde, heightening intuition and psychic hints. The moon in Cancer trines Jupiter, then trines Neptune. Sweet dreams!

The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the eleventh could light up a financial matter and bring you something valuable. There could be some mixed messages, but you should hear good news in the end.

Mercury goes stationary direct on August 18. Take your time getting better organized.

On the twenty-sixth, the full moon may give you more free time and space. Do what you prefer rather than what your social circle is promoting. Don’t worry – you won’t be alone. The next day, Mars goes stationary direct. Motivation returns and progress gets easier.

Standout days: 17, 22, 27
Challenging days: 8, 16


On August 8, the sun conjoins retrograde Mercury. It’s easier to read between the lines and hear what is not quite said out loud. The new moon and solar eclipse on August 11 could bring a sudden opportunity to do something important. You may have wanted to do this for a long time, or it may have never crossed your mind before.

Mercury goes stationary direct on the eighteenth. You may think that you’re ready to pounce on a new project, but take some time for conditions to get back up to speed. The sun leaves Leo and enters Virgo on the twenty-second. Make full use of a slower pace and having more time to address enjoyable details.

The full moon on August 26 shows you how a few people really feel about an issue that they’ve complained about a lot. The issue may be real, but it isn’t that important. Sometimes people like to complain.

Standout days: 9, 17, 25
Challenging days: 6, 21


The noisy, crazy world may try to invade your headspace during the new moon and solar eclipse on August 11. Take a deep breath and don’t shout back. You have a lot of powerful supporters.

Mercury goes stationary direct on the eighteenth. It may take a little time, but it will get easier to think clearly and get reorganized. If you misplaced anything, you’ll find it soon.

On August 22, the sun leaves Leo and enters Virgo. Give priority to treating yourself well and being more healthy and active at home. Do you need another kitten or puppy? Maybe a bigger garden or more planters?

The full moon on the twenty-sixth lights up your love life. Lower your emotional defenses a bit and let someone’s appearance or comments make a stronger impression. The next day, Mars goes stationary direct, having been retrograde since June 26. Ambition, motivation, and passion begin to rise.

Standout days: 13, 17, 30
Challenging days: 4, 10


Venus enters Libra on August 6 and romance ramps up. Life gets even more romantic with the Venus-Mars trine the next day. Your social life could get wild and crazy with the new moon and solar eclipse on August 11. People may challenge and argue with you, but don’t take the bait. There are plenty of others who share your vision and desires.

Mercury goes stationary direct on the eighteenth, which could make for smoother days, but not right away. Get organized and be patient.

You may be unsure or confused about what’s best for your health and daily happiness under the full moon on August 26. Listen to all the encouraging, flattering advice, but don’t act on any of it right away. Venus squares Pluto today, too. You could get a lot of mixed messages. Mars goes stationary direct the next day, having been retrograde since June 26. Reconnect with old passions and get more ambitious.

Standout days: 5, 14, 24
Challenging days: 8, 9


Mars squares Uranus on August 1. Watch your temper, and don’t let anyone push any of your buttons (they may try).

Look for a breakthrough at work or in some social setting during the new moon and solar eclipse of the eleventh. There may be friction or resistance at first, but afterward you’ll be the one to advance. Mercury goes stationary direct on the eighteenth. Take your time getting reorganized and back in touch with anyone who flaked out on you recently.

On the full moon of August 26, be surrounded by happy people who seem to be having more fun than you are. Things may not be what they appear, however. Be cheerful and decide for yourself what is pleasing and entertaining. Mars goes stationary direct the next day. It may take a few days to get more motivated, reunite with an old passion, and get back up to speed, but you will.

Standout days: 7, 12, 28
Challenging days: 9, 21


The sun squares Jupiter on August 6. If your generous impulses are overlooked or misunderstood, let it go. Let the August 11 new moon and solar eclipse widen your world. Some disapproval or barrier may block some avenues for adventure, but there are countless offers to satisfy your dreams and taste for adventure.

Mercury goes stationary direct on the eighteenth. You may not promptly untangle what the retrograde knotted up, but it will all straighten out.

You might want to spend less time at home at the August 26 full moon. There could be a lot going on around you or your family that will spin itself out if you give it time, or you might want to jump in and express yourself. The next day, Mars goes stationary direct after having been retrograde since June 26. Mars direct in Capricorn may want you to focus on work issues and desires first. Get ambitious.

Standout days: 17, 19, 27
Challenging days: 4, 10


A major challenge or lurking problem could arrive with the new moon and solar eclipse of August 11, but don’t fret. Be strong and sure of your facts and do what’s needed. You have some unexpected support from friends. Mars retrograde backs out of Aquarius and enters Capricorn the next day. Make solid career plans now. Prepare for August 27.

Mercury goes stationary direct on the eighteenth. You could finally get replies to some old e-mails, texts, and phone calls.

The sun trines Saturn on August 25. People are happy to listen to you and respect your authority. Embrace your responsibilities and be gracious.

Have a friendly, fun, low-key time during the full moon on the twenty-sixth. Someone else will step up and buy the next round or be generous in some other way. Mars goes stationary direct in Capricorn the next day. Get more motivated and be willing to express yourself in a public way.

Standout days: 3, 21, 30
Challenging days: 9, 22


The solar eclipse and new moon on August 11 could enliven an exciting romantic relationship. Not everyone may approve – and will say so – but listen to your own heart and head.

Mercury retrograde ends on the eighteenth. Mercury direct in Leo should have a lot to say, so expect some replies to earlier unanswered communications. It’s easier to get and stay organized now.

The sun trines Uranus on August 25. If you have a bold, fresh idea, this could be the time to make it known. Surprising, effective actions will be admired and well received. The full moon the next day could set the stage for more money or gifts to find you in the near future. Be patient and agreeable and see what develops.

Mars goes stationary direct in Capricorn on the twenty-seventh. Remember those ambitious plans and career desires? It might be time to begin to act on them now.

Standout days: 3, 21, 30
Challenging days: 1, 16


Daily life could get complicated by the August 11 new moon and solar eclipse, but it will be all little things. Any bumps in the road will be from pebbles, not boulders, and will go away on their own. Mercury goes stationary direct on August 18. Whatever got misplaced will soon surface. Misunderstandings will be corrected over the next few days. Unanswered communications will be addressed.

The Jupiter-Neptune trine on the nineteenth is an enduring aspect. This will let you feel good about your dreams and aspirations for a long time to come.

On the August 26 full moon, you may discover that you have a lot more in common with people than you suspected. People may feel safer with you and open up and share their true feelings.

The next day, Mars goes stationary direct after being retrograde since June 26. Passions should brighten for satisfying work and a more fulfilling career.

Standout days: 12, 17, 22
Challenging days: 6, 27

—By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @Elisall via Twenty20

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