An Easy Manifesting Spell for the Gemini New Moon in June 2018


On June 12, 2018

In Astrology

An Easy Manifesting Spell for the Gemini New Moon in June 2018

Jessica Wiggan, an astrologer, tarot card reader, and owner of Behati Life apothecary knows the planets, and knows how to make them work for you. Find more of her wisdom on Instagram @BehatiLife. — editors 

The Gemini Super New Moon is coming, so get ready to have some fun and tackle some exhilarating projects! On June 14th, 2018 at 3:44pm EST, a powerful New Moon in the sign of Gemini will be upon us. This moon will work to activate the powers of your mind and speech as well as help you to infuse exciting energy into the areas of your life craving exploration and activity!

Gemini is known to be curious, so for many of you, this new moon is the perfect opportunity to begin new projects, lifestyles, and activities. It’s an exciting time.

The last few months have been intense for us all as the planets shifted and moved out of tense alignments and dived into their potent retrograde periods. Even now the major cosmic “power players” (Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus) are still working to purge and restructure your foundation so life can still feel heavy while they organize on your behalf. Luckily for us, this new moon gives the chance to open up and try new things you may have always wanted to do and make connections with people that will prove to beneficial to your life and goals.

Get personal guidance in love, money, and more for the next 12 months.

The emphasis on new and different is high for this moon as Mars (ruling action and activity) is moving through Aquarius, encouraging you to step outside of your normal comfort zones and “do different.” Mercury in Cancer connects the power of your mind and words to your feelings and internal needs. This reminds you of how important it is to listen to and honor your gut instinct when you invite change into your life. If something is exciting and thrilling to you, then it’s important that you go for it, because it opens new doors that you wouldn’t have experienced otherwise! The universe is funny in how it connects the dots to the deepest desires of your heart to you enjoying the present moment, right here and now!

Unfortunately, the New Moon is not all fun and games. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet that controls the mind and speech. He (Mercury) is battling with Saturn causing you to question yourself, maybe deal with red tape or blockages, or handle criticism of some sort. As frustrating as this may feel, it not only builds your determination, but it also gives you the chance to look at how potential negative inner dialogue and thoughts can block your own growth and the blessing of new opportunities coming into your life.

Read this now: Your June 2018 Horoscope Says to Get *Ish Done This Month

If you are accustomed to saying a quick “no” to things you’ve always wanted to do or learn, then you miss out on the chance to grow! If you prioritize work and obligation over fun and play always, then life becomes dull. Balance is everything and Gemini will show you the best of both worlds. This moon gives you the chance to reassess the limiting thoughts that you may have held onto and step out into a space where you give yourself the chance to try something new that you may love all for the sake of living your life to the absolute fullest.

Lastly, Gemini rules communication, and many of you will have serious conversations and make important connections — from friendships to work alliances. This new moon will be amazing for meeting new people and cementing interesting bonds; partly because of how impactful the action you take this new moon will be based upon the feelings and guidance of your heart!


  1. This lunar spell and magick for having a wish manifest quickly is an easy but powerful one. You’ll need a bay leaf and a match (or other flame).
  2. Think of a wish you would love to see manifest for this new moon.
  3. Meditate on a word or two to sum up the entirety of that wish and write it on a bay leaf.
  4. Burn the leaf over a flame — safely, of course! — and do your best to collect the ashes, keeping in mind that as energy moves around you (while you’re concentrating on your wish), the air can disturb the ashes and blow them around a bit.
  5. Blow the ashes into the wind out of a window and the wish will begin its work to materialize. —By Jessica Wiggan

Jessica Wiggan is the creator of BehatiLife, an online apothecary selling custom, hand crafted magical blends. Jessica is available for tarot and astrology readings, and also runs an online Tarot school. Find her on Instagram.

Photo: @criene via Twenty20

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