As Jupiter moved into Scorpio yesterday, you may have felt renewed hope, optimism, and energy. Today may feel like a bit of a letdown, with business as usual taking center stage and some same-old issues rearing their heads. But remember: You now have Jupiter in your corner, ready to help you, and major moves always begin with tiny steps. As Mars and Saturn form a square, you may feel frustrated by circumstances and people beyond your control. Don’t get caught up in drama, just readjust expectations and move on.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Rams are dealing with some interpersonal drama due to a Saturn-Mars challenge today. While you may be tempted to go behind someone’s back, or go higher up to get what you want, hold back. Empathize and listen with the person who’s challenging you, while it may not be easy, doing so will put you in prime position for success.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your communication sector, you can breeze past the challenges of the Saturn-Mars square better than most today, Bulls. To maximize this chart position, try to have as many IRL conversations as possible. Email and text can be misconstrued; a ten minute phone call or meeting gets results. Trust.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
The interpersonal conflicts are all over the place today! As hard as it may be to stand back, don’t get pulled on. At work, focus on solo projects as much as possible. Try expanding your social sector today; some primary partnerships may need a bit of cooling off space. Finally, it may be worth it to check yourself a bit. You’re operating from a place of defensiveness—IRL conversations as possible
Cancer Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your emotiomal sector today, Crabs, it’s tough not to see and hear multiple meanings in information coming at you. Work with that emotion. Walling it off will only make it spill out in inappropriate ways, but channeling that passion into a project, volunteer opportunity, or your family will make you feel much more content and chill.
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Leo Daily Horoscope
Feeling frustrated? Before you let out a roar, Lions, take the stalled projects or delayed meetings as a chance to relax and do something for you. Learning to see the bright side of less-than-ideal situations helps expand your resiliency, and you may even meet a person or get information you never expected. Use the Saturn-Mars square to your advantage and you can’t lose.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’ve been pushing yourself so hard, but remember that longer hours doesn’t necessarily equal better work. Today is the ideal day to prioritize your work and delegate to make sure it’s done on time. Mars wants to help you, but in order to do so, you’ve got to communicate honestly, effectively, and without drama. Figure out the diplomatic way to say “I need a break” and you’re golden!
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Libra Daily Horoscope
You’re stuck at a crossroads, and don’t expect the Mars-Saturn square to lead to any easy answers. For next steps, it’s time to tune into your gut. You may be tempted to ask others for their opinion. Do so, but remember, you’re the one who has to live with your choices at the end of the day. Speaking of end of day: Who says you need to make a decision ASAP? Some delaying can be good; everything will shake out as it should later in the week.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’ve been feeling ultra confident (thanks, Jupiter!) but today is back to reality. In particular, you may be focused on the specifics: How will you have the money and resources to achieve your goal? Thinking big picture can be paralyzing; today is the best day to take actionable steps you can control (consolidating accounts; making a savings plan) rather than obsessing over what you can’t.
Learn about your animal sign with the wisdom of Chinese astrology.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You have plans, goals, and want other people to get onboard. But trying to control other people never works, Archers. Today is an ideal day to focus on your own goals and the steps you’ll take to get there. People are attracted to momentum, and you may need to start alone before onboarding others.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Mars usually helps you, but today, with it’s square to Saturn, you may feel more on your own than usual. But before you assume people don’t have your back, check in with your own assumptions. What do you expect people to do? Checking your expectations and focusing outward on what you can do for other people will help put things in balance today, Caps.
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Aquarius Daily Horoscope
With the Moon in your health sector, you’re making the decision today to switch your focus from work and relationships (good call) and onto physical fitness or health pursuits. Dream big, sign up for classes, and commit. For you, taking those first few steps pays off. Remember: It’s not the gym class that’s hard, it’s taking that first step through the door. (Need inspiration? Check out the best workout classes for your sign!)
Pisces Daily Horoscope
As Mars and Saturn form a square, you’re feeling a lot of tension in your relationship, or a relationship that’s just begun. Don’t read into texts, and focus on IRL conversations. It may be a good day to give each other space and spend time with your separate groups of friends, which can give you the perspective you need. Remember: You don’t need to be joined at the hip to be soulmates.
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