Your Guide to the Stars: Planetary Transits for January 29 to February 4

Not going to lie: This week may be an intense one. A full moon (the second one of the month!) and a lunar eclipse can kick up some intense energy. This may not be a bad thing, but you may feel like deadlines, ultimatums, and choices are put in front of you, with limited control or input from you. You have more time and control than you think. Take each moment as it comes, breathe, check in with your gut and be true to yourself. We know, we know, easier said than done. But knowledge is power, right? The good news: a warm, luxurious Cancer moon eases you into the week, and at the end of the week, as lovely Venus squares Jupiter, all signs have their charm cranked up, and it could be a weekend of love, sex, and magic. Cheers! Here, pay attention to these dates and slay the day, regardless of your zodiac sign. 

Monday, January 29
Plan Your Self Care Strategy
The moon in nurturing Cancer is a good time to take a bath, hang out with friends over red wine, laugh over whatever went down on the weekend, and just relax. The upcoming full moon and eclipse on Wednesday may already cause emotions to swirl below the surface, and you may be feeling some tension—but may be unable to do anything about it. 

Tuesday, January 30
The Calm Before the Storm—Get Your Ducks in a Row!

Your ducks, your to-do lists, your deliverables … whatever, plan to get ahead so you can do as little as possible tomorrow. It’s not as though you should be afraid of the eclipse, which occurs in Leo. This eclipse ratchets up emotions, making it tough to figure out the “right” way forward. The more you can get ahead without the influences of the Leo full moon, the better. Tomorrow could be intense, but it could also be a day to pull back a bit, observe, allow yourself to coast and not get caught up in anyone else’s drama. 

Wednesday, January 31
Stop, Listen, and Breathe 
The Leo full moon stirs up all sorts of emotions and drama, and you may feel urgency and intensity regarding situations. You feel like you have to do everything now: Sign papers, say I love you, commit to a job, whatever … but here’s the thing: You don’t. In a full moon, especially one that’s complicated by an eclipse, the best thing you can do is let the planets keep turning and pull back a bit. No action today isn’t the same as no action, full stop. You have more time and space than you think, but it’s up to you to claim it. 

Thursday, February 1
Start a Fresh Page 

Rabbit, rabbit! One thing the full moon yesterday did was help wipe the slate clean of old emotions, connections, and feelings. You know how you sometimes feel so much better after a really good, big cry? That’s sort of the feeling all signs will be feeling today: A combination of relief, optimism, and feeling like they can forge their way forward into a brighter, bigger, better life! 

Friday, February 2
Get Creative 

A few days ago, on January 21, Mercury shifted from Capricorn to Aquarius. Mercury, the messenger planet, rules communication, and it’s position in Aquarius encourages quirky, non-linear thinking. Your problem-solving abilities can truly shine today, and today is a great day to go back to a sticky problem or issue. You may have the right perspective to solve it. Venus semi-squares Saturn, which may create some tension between you and your partner. Again, it’s all about perspective—what you are feeling isn’t necessarily the same thing your partner feels. Communicating can help you both get on the same page. 

Saturday, February 3
Treat Yourself! 

Venus squares Jupiter, and life feels beautiful! This Saturday night can be the reward for a tricky week. No one can read your mind, so it’s up to you to plan the perfect Saturday night. Maybe it’s friends, maybe it’s your lover, maybe it’s you and Netflix. But self-indulgence is the order of the day. If you deprive yourself, you may feel cranky and depleted. Cheers to a great week!

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