Weekly Horoscope: October 21– October 27, 2024

This week is all about getting real and digging deep. So, let’s dive into what’s coming up and how to navigate it!

On October 22, we kick things off with Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces. Whether it’s a tough conversation or a big decision, there’s no more avoiding the hard stuff. Keep it honest, keep it focused—no fluff allowed.

The Sun in Libra also squares Pluto, cranking up the intensity. Power struggles, control issues, or buried emotions might rise to the surface, especially in relationships. If you’ve been avoiding conflict to keep the peace, this energy could push you to face things head-on. It might not be comfortable at first, but it’s necessary for your growth.

We’re not done yet! Later that day, on October 22, the Sun moves into Scorpio, officially kicking off the season of shedding dead weight. This is your yearly reminder that transformation isn’t always cute, but it’s essential for growth. Don’t hesitate to let go of stagnation in your life—trust me, making space for the new will only empower you more.

On October 25th, Mars in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, bringing in some exciting energy! You’ll feel a strong urge to break free, shake things up, and try something new. Trust your intuition and don’t shy away from any unexpected opportunities to mix things up!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


What changes are calling you that you keep avoiding out of fear? Try journaling about it or having an honest conversation with someone you trust. Let yourself be vulnerable here—it’s part of the process. The rebirth waiting for you on the other side is totally worth it.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Your relationships are front and center right now, so take a moment to see which ones are really serving you. Who’s lifting you up or dragging you down? Trust your gut, set some boundaries, and remember—you deserve connections that empower you and are mutually beneficial. 

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


What bad habits are you ready to kick to the curb? Where have you been slipping on your health goals? Think about how you can organize your life to truly fuel you instead of distracting or draining you. No more putting this off-trust me, your future self will thank you. 

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Ready to take a plunge into your creative depths? Seriously, do your passions still excite you, or is it time for a change? Embrace any intense feelings that may arise; they’ll help you confront the fears holding you back from expressing your true self and what genuinely inspires you!

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


What does home really mean to you? You might feel the urge to create a nurturing space, whether that’s with new furniture or by addressing unresolved emotions or familial issues. If it’s the latter, lean into it—it’s an opportunity for healing and building a more authentic sense of security.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Sharpen your communication skills! Embrace your inner detective and dig deep into conversations and connections. Are your words reflecting your truth? Don’t hold back—speak up, share your ideas, and engage in meaningful discussions. Remember, your words are powerful, so make sure they have a chance to be heard.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Be honest about what truly matters to you. Is the future you’re building really in line with your worth and values? Are you investing or spending your hard-earned cash on things that empower you? If not, it’s time to reevaluate and make the necessary changes.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Now’s the moment to rewrite the narrative and become the hero in your own story. Don’t you dare hold back here—reclaim your power, embrace your authenticity and let your identity shine. Your magnetism is palpable, own it. And remember, you aren’t too intense for the right people.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Your next adventure awaits in your unconscious mind. It’s time to pause the hustle, dive inward, and reconnect with your intuition. Embrace some solitude—let your subconscious lead the way. This is your moment for deep healing and self-discovery, so don’t shy away from exploring those depths.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


The spotlight is on your friendships and community.  Who lifts you up, and who drags you down? Invest in those who inspire you and don’t hesitate to let go of the ones who don’t. Your network and friendships are powerful assets—choose wisely, and you’ll amplify each other’s dreams.


Your ambitions are calling—time to step up! Evaluate your career goals: Are you on the right track? Where do you feel stagnant? What have you outgrown? Don’t hesitate to adjust your plan and explore a new path. You’re building your legacy, so keep it true to you. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Adventure is on the horizon, and your intuition is your GPS! Whether it’s jetting off on a spontaneous trip or diving into a podcast on a new topic, seek out fresh experiences that expand your perspective or reveal deeper truths. Don’t overthink it—trust where your soul is leading you.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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