Weekly Horoscope: June 3–9, 2024

This week brings a big energy shift that encourages you to communicate better and take the initiative. If you’ve been looking for a fresh start, this week’s planetary movements support that 100 percent! 

When Mercury (the planet in charge of our thought processes) enters clever Gemini on Monday, you’ll feel an immediate confidence boost when it comes to all forms of communication. Speaking in front of big groups, posting to social media and sending work emails are effortless and it’s easy to reconnect with people you haven’t talked to in ages.

A brilliant new moon (representing our emotional realm) arrives in airy Gemini on Thursday, welcoming new beginnings and prompting you to learn new things, explore new interests, and get a fresh start. Follow your curiosity. It will lead you someplace amazing!

On Saturday, action-packed Mars (the motivational planet) hooks up with grounded Taurus, encouraging you to take some of the abstract ideas and concepts you came up with during the new moon and turn them into something a little more concrete. Yes, this transit lights a fire under your butt and tells you to get moving, but at your own pace. There’s no rush when you’re working on plans that will affect you far into the future.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Don’t hold back, Aries (like you ever do anyway). This week urges you to say what’s on your mind, but maybe in a little more tactful way than usual. When you use your words to express what’s truly in your heart, you connect with people on a new level.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You’ve got money on your mind, and your brain is working overtime to figure out how to turn your ideas into profits. This is a good time to evaluable your values about money and what you are and aren’t willing to do to make a buck. The answer might surprise you, Taurus.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


This week is all about interacting with other people, Gemini, which is one of your favorite pastimes! This is also a great time to work on manifesting your personal dreams and goals by figuring out what you really want out of life. Once you know, the universe is ready to support you in your future endeavors.  

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Facing your fears isn’t as scary as it seems, Cancer. This is your big chance to get a fresh start by becoming unburdened by the things that have been holding you lack lately. Take baby steps until you feel ready to run.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


If you haven’t been hanging out with old friends or meeting new people you have anything in common with lately, your luck is about to change, Leo! Putting yourself out there pays off this week, especially when you keep an open mind. 

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Your career is the target of some massive positive energy this week, Virgo, so expect good things to happen at work. Showing up, putting in your hours and being present for meetings, presentations, etc., lets people know that you’re proud of your work. Someone important is about to notice your dedication and reward you.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


It’s time to branch out, Libra. Travel more. Take a class about something you’ve always been interested in. Explore your intellectual curiosity in a bold way. Follow that feeling that there is something better for you out there. It’s 100 percent true.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


This week is full of opportunities for transformation, Scorpio. Take the things you don’t like about yourself and turn them into positives. You’re probably being too hard on yourself anyway. If you suspect you have a distorted self-image, ask your friends to each tell you one thing they like about you.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


It’s time to move on, Sagittarius. Being stuck in the past isn’t doing you any good. Letting go of an ex or a friendship that fell off is cathartic AF. When you really think about it, you didn’t need them nearly a much as they needed you. You’re better off.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Take care of your wellbeing this week, Capricorn. With all the miscellaneous thoughts running through your head, it’s easy to get stressed out and anxious and miss important things like meals and sleep. Overthinking things and worrying about situations you can’t control is the biggest waste of time there is.

 Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


What makes you happy, Aquarius? Like truly blissful, can’t wipe the smile off your face when you think of it exhilarated? That’s what you need to be focused on this week. Putting all your energy into something so positive can be life changing. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Are you tired of temporary fixes? It seems like you get one area of your life running smoothly and then something else pops up that you have to take care of. This week offers you some permanent solutions that are worth exploring, Pisces. Your long-term happiness and security depend on your willingness to explore new options.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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