Ready or not, Mercury turns retrograde today, and stays there for three weeks. You may feel the effects immediately, or you may feel them building. If you can delay a contract or agreement, do so. A Taurus moon shifts to Gemini, and you may feel like plans are shifting, changing, and you have no understanding of what’s going on. The good news: That’s how everyone else feels, too. Here, your daily horoscope for Thursday, March 22.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Emotions are all over the place, Rams. You may need more time than you think to process your feelings, and when in doubt, hold back. It’s better to keep your feelings to yourself—just temporarily—until you can figure out what’s really going on.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
Life is lovely — but you’re also feeling things changing, and that can provoke anxiety. You need to learn to hold on a little more loosely, right now, you may be pulling someone too tightly toward you, and it may be driving them away. Remember the bird: If you love it, set it free.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
You’ve been busy AF, and your personal life has taken a hit. You may have perfectly good excuses — after all, you have to work, and when a work situation comes up, you sometimes have to let friends down — but if this has become a habit, you may need to shift your priorities a bit and make sure you don’t thoughtlessly say yes to invites when you’re pretty sure you won’t be able to fulfill them.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
You’ve been putting someone’s requests off for awhile, and now it’s time to tell it to them straight: If you don’t have time or interest, you don’t, and that won’t change. Leaving someone hanging can be a lot more painful than a firm yes or no.
Leo Daily Horoscope
Conversations may be tricky as Mercury shifts to retrograde, and you may get caught having said one thing and done another. It’s important to really think before you speak, and controversial topics may be best avoided altogether today.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Venus and Pluto form an awkward angle, and it may be tough to get things done, as you have a lot of personal what if questions on your plate today. As much as possible, try to push these out of your mind so you can focus on the task at hand. Once your to-do list is done, then let your mind wander.
Libra Daily Horoscope
You may need to give TLC to someone in your life, and it may not be a person you expect. You may need to move beyond the “how are you” conversations and get into some more serious stuff.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You may be locked in a disagreement with someone. Let’s be clear: You could sway their ideas to your side. But is this really what you want to stake your claim on? It may be easier to let this situation slide and go big for another issue that means a lot more to you.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may be about to spend significant money on something you’ve wanted for awhile. The stars say today may not be the best day to do so — you may get some additional info in the coming days to sway your decision, so if you can, hold off for a bit.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You’re so close to reaching an agreement, but it may be wise to hold off. Yes, it’s partially because of Mercury, but the stars also say it’s just not the right time. Everything will be much more clear toward early next week. Listen to your gut for how to proceed; there may be some due diligence you have to perform.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
You’re not usually at a loss for words, but you may be tongue-tied when it comes to how to share your true feelings. Feel the fear! It’s okay to be afraid and unsure. Don’t overthink or overscript and just see how the conversation organically plays out.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
You may be tempted to splurge, but the stars say it’s smart to hold back. You can wait a month, Fish! Pay attention to feelings surrounding envy and jealousy; you may get some valuable clues into your behavior.
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